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Release Notes v2.17.0
Release Notes v2.17.0
Ying avatar
Written by Ying
Updated over a week ago

We're excited to bring you more great features with v2.17.0, it's already live on 24/05/2022.

General Features

All New Backup Centre

I present to you, the all new backup centre, where you can backup all the files attached to your transactions.

The following export features have also been consolidated into our backup centre:

  • Contacts

  • Products & Services

  • Chart of Accounts

Look for it under Control Panel -> Backup Data.

Extending Login Session

Our team was cursed when some of our users got logged out suddenly while they were still working on some really long invoices or quotations half way. We built this feature so that you can extend the session while working on some important tasks.

Improved Search under SmartRecon Match Panel

Search feature has been added to SmartRecon's Match Panel just in case you're dealing with a large number of transactions.

Create Depreciation Expense as Cost of Sales Account

Depreciation Expense account can now be created under the Cost of Sales type.

Transaction Features

Search Custom Fields

Ever wondered whether you can search for a keyword in one of the custom fields added to your transactions? Stop wondering now. It's now there at your service.

Look for it under More Filters on all transaction lists.

Tax Codes for Purchases

Tax codes for Malaysia SST have been added to purchase module, the tax amount will be parked under the SST Expense account whenever a tax code is selected.

Auto Populate Payment Term for Invoices

The default payment term is now populated automatically every time you are trying to create a new invoice, saving you one more click!

Improved Out of Stock Prompt

The prompt has been improved to show the Location info as well.

Contra Between Customer & Supplier

You'd be surprised how often Malaysian businesses need to deal with 'contra' between customer (debtor) & supplier (creditor). We have added a new transaction type 'Contra', it allows you to contra / offset the amount owed by your customer with the amount owing to your supplier.

You can find it under Accounting -> Contra and you already knew the following steps (because Bukku was way too simple to pick up)

Payment Term for Quotation / Sales Order & Purchase Order

Payment term support has been added to the said transactions, and the information can be transferred / copied to Invoice or Bill.

Filter by Account on Transaction Lists

Transactions that involve receiving / paying money have the Account filter added.

Added Information to Shoebox Interface

We are displaying more information related to the uploaded document.

Quick Jump to View Contact

You can quickly jump to view the contact profile from transaction list now.

Product Image on Transaction PDFs

How about adding a product thumbnail to your quotation? You can do so now!

Head over to Control Panel -> Form Designs and look for the Product Image toggle under Form Items.

Toggle No. & Amount Columns on PDFs

Greater flexibility for the columns granted to you, this time with No. & Amount column. Customise your Form Design the way you want it.

Head over to Control Panel -> Form Designs and look for the No. / Amount toggle under Form Items.

Foreign Currency Code on Transaction PDFs

If your transaction happens to be in a foreign currency, a new Currency row will be added to the information section.

Hiding Due Date on Invoice PDFs

If you don't feel like showing the due dates to your customer on the invoice sent out. You can optionally hide it with Form Design.

You may find the setting under Control Panel -> Form Designs -> View -> Due Date under Others.

Customise Expense Claim PDF Heading

Expense Claim now gets its dedicated heading 'Expense Claim' instead of 'Supplier Invoice', and even better, you can override the heading.

Product Features

Turning Off Inventory Tracking For Used Products

You get a greater flexibility, if inventory tracking was turned on by mistake, you can switch it off now.

WARNING: All past transactions related to the product will be reposted to reflect the change.

Products & Services Groups

You can group your products into logical groups and pull reports according to the predefined groups.

The following reports have been enabled with Product Group filter.

  • Product Sales Summary

  • Product Sales Detail

  • Product Purchase Summary

  • Product Purchase Detail

  • Item Sales Collection

Start creating product groups by locating the Groups button next to New Product button.

Contact Features

Retrieve E-Statement Link

You can now easily retrieve the E-Statement link and quickly share it with your customer via WhatsApp or other channels.

Bulk Update Contact's Display Name

The improved contact template gives you the power to update display name as well!

Bypass Invoice Reminder for Selected Contacts

There are certain customers you don't want to kacau? Ok ok, just switch it off for the customer only under their Contact profile.

Sort by Custom Fields on Contact List

You can now sort the list by custom fields, full stop.

Report Features

Chart of Accounts Report

A new report might came in handy if you're looking to export your entire Chart of Accounts in xls or pdf format.

Exclude Out of Stock Items for Inventory Reports

An option to exclude out of stock items has been added to all inventory reports.

Transaction Type on Official Receipt / Payment Voucher Reports

We've added the ability to filter by transaction type, as well as a new column in the report.

Improved Sorting on Invoice / Bill Summary Reports

Yep, I can confirm that the following columns can be sorted now:

  • Amount

  • Discount

  • Tax

  • Net Amount

  • Net Balance

Report Settings in Report Headers

Some users find it confusing that there's no indicator on what were the settings selected for the generated report, so we have this enhancement added to Bukku.

Tags Filter on Item Sales Collection Report

You can now filter by Tags on Item Sales Collection report.

Tags Filter on Aging Reports

You can now filter by Tags on all aging reports.

Filter by Contact Group on Product Reports

The following reports have Contact Group filter added:

  • Product Sales Summary

  • Product Sales Detail

  • Product Purchase Summary

  • Product Purchase Detail

Payment Method Breakdown on Official Receipt / Payment Voucher Report

Added Columns to Depreciation Schedule Report

The following optional columns have been added:

  • Depreciation Start Date

  • Cost Limit

  • Residual Value

  • Depreciation Method

  • Depreciation Convention

Bukku Store Features

Accept Offline Payments

Sometimes offline payment is needed for some of you, we hear you. You may turn on Bukku Store and start selling even without a payment gateway now.

Orders with manual payment can be marked as Paid manually in your order list subsequently.

Regenerate & Copy Payment Link

You can recopy the payment link and share with your customer to make online payment for one of their orders, in case they accidentally closed the window.

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