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Release Notes v2.23.0
Release Notes v2.23.0
syafrie avatar
Written by syafrie
Updated over a week ago

We're excited to bring you more exciting new features with version v2.23.0. It already went live on 11/02/2023. You can read on or refer to the following video for summary.

General Features

Global Search: Ability to Search by Description

Global search now allows you to conduct searches based on item description(s). With this upgrade, you’ll be able easily retrieve related transactions simply by entering the item description.

Global Search: Ability to Search by Amount

Additionally, you can also retrieve transaction(s) by amount via the global search.

Digital Shoebox: Now can choose Unit and Location

We've added the option to select the Unit and Location when uploading files to your digital shoebox. This function is available when the Multiple Items is selected.

Digital Shoebox: Supported other Countries Numbers

Good News for user with international mobile numbers! You can now register your phone in the shoebox as well to enjoy this feature.

Navigate to the Control Panel > Shoebox Settings > Add/ Update the WhatsApp Number.

Digital Shoebox: Show the Monthly Usage

Try to upload the image but the system shows "No Data"? do you know that you already reach the Shoebox monthly limit? No more guessing how many Shoebox quota you use for this month. With the information we added, you can easily know your Shoebox monthly usage.

Digital Shoebox: Create as Supplier Credit Note

With this new improvement, you will have additional options to create your uploaded files as Supplier Credit Note.

Added Cash Basis for Sales and Profit & Loss Dashboard

You can now monitor your sales trend and profit & loss via cash basis.

Bulk Delete & Bulk Update Transactions

The wait is over! Say goodbye to the manual and tedious chore of deleting/ updating multiple transactions. With just a few clicks, you can directly delete or update transactions.

Option to Skip for Bukku Connect when creating Invoice.

We’ve added the option to skip the step of forwarding an invoice to your Bukku Connect contact.

Added UOM Based Unit in Form Design

You can now include a Base Quantity and Base UOM in your form design.

Added New Filter in the Sales Invoice and Purchases Bill

The following filter column have been added in Sales Invoice and Purchases Bill to improve the overall filtering precision.

  • Coming Due

  • Partially Paid

Furthermore, clicking on the Invoices or Bills amount on the dashboard will now direct you straight to the Coming Due and Overdue tab.

Post Dated for Recurring Instructions

If you want the system to create the recurring instructions in advance (before the scheduled date), you can set it via the newly added Post Dated option.

Example: When you set Post Dated as 3 times, the system will create the first 3 recurring transactions (4/3/2023, 4/4/2023 and 4/5/2023) before recurring schedule.

Add Default Transaction Descriptions

You can now set the default descriptions for each of your transactions and have it populated automatically whenever you create a new transaction.

Product Bundle: Added Option to Hide or Show the Product details in PDF.

You can now have an option to Show, Partial Show or Hide the product bundle information in your PDF.

Head Over to Control Panel > Form Designs > View > and choose the Bundle Items option.

Added Expense Account in Stock Adjustment

We’ve made it now possible to select the appropriate expense account when performing stock adjustments.

Separated the Sales & Service Tax Label and Amount

In the past, if you select the sales tax and service tax, the tax amount will be combined together. Now we have improved the display, so that you can easily see how much the amount for your Sales tax and Service tax.

Added Billing Party in Purchases Bill and Credit Note

We have added the Billing Party in Purchases Bill and Purchases Credit Note.

Payroll Integrated: Kakitangan

Good news for you if you're using Kakitangan to process your payroll. Simply take the payroll summary file generated and import directly into Bukku to have the entries automatically generated for you.

Form Designs Live Preview

You can now see the live update form design every time you customise/edit the details. This will help you to make sure the form you are customise is suitable before printing, downloading or sending out.

Added Breakdown Payment in Payment Modules

We have added the breakdown Payment Method in the following module:

  • Sales Payment

  • Sales Refund

  • Purchase Payment

  • Purchase Refund

  • Money In

  • Money Out

Select Type in Backup Attachment

You can now select the Type before backing up your attachments, thus giving you more control of your data.

Option to choose Alignment for Signature

Hooray! We’ve granted more flexibility to manage your signature text alignment.

Preview Invoice before Saving

As the title suggests, you are now can preview your invoice in PDF format before saving. Simply Click on ... > Preview to preview the PDF.

Ability to Navigate Directly to Company Account

No longer do you need to rely on your dedicated company URL to access your Bukku account. With this new enhancement, all companies assigned to your email will be listed upon signing on via Of course, if preferred, you may still access via your dedicated company URL.

Improvement on Service Tax Exempted

Based on the Custom requirements, exempted service amount must show in the invoice. With that, we have added the Service Tax Exempted field when you select a SVE tax code.

More Date Filter in Cashflow Trend and Forecast

We have added the following date filter under Cashflow Trend and Cashflow Forecast.

  • 6-Week

  • 12-Week

  • 12-Month

Show Email Info in PDF

You can now add the email information when printing your PDF. Navigate to the Control Panel > Form Designs > Contact Info.

Filter by Inactive Only

We have added the filter by inactive only for the following module:

  • Products & Services

  • Chart of Accounts

  • Contacts

Reports Features

Reconciled Transactions Report

We’ve taken your feedback and have added back a new Reconciled Transactions report. Generating this report will allow you to easily crosscheck your reconciled transactions.

Ageing Based on the Invoice Date

Prefer to filter the ageing report based on the Invoice date? It is now possible for you to generate the following ageing reports by Invoice Date.

  • Aged Receivables Details

  • Aged Payables Summary

  • Aged Payables Details

Added Search Function in Audit Trail

We bring you the ability to search the transaction number and contact in the audit trail report.

Added Comparison for Cash Flow Statement

We have added the comparison function in the Cash Flow Statement report. Giving you the ability to compare the cash flow by period or tags.

Hide the Zero Value in Trial Balance

In effort to improve the readability of the Trial Balance Report, we’ll now hide all zero balance accounts, effectively shortening any lengthy reports.

Total Column for Statement of Account

We have added the Total Debit and Total Credit by customer in the Statement of Accounts.

General Ledger Improvement

We have added the new column under the General Ledger, to show the home currency information as per below:

  • Home Debit

  • Home Credit

  • Home Amount

Bukku Store Features

Coupons Code Set Up

You can now set up the promo code on your Bukku Store. Head Over to Bukku Store > Coupons > +New > and add the new Coupons information.

Next, it will reduce the original price when your customer apply the coupon code.

Added Content Pages in Bukku Store

We have added the following content page in Bukku Store:

  • Terms & Conditions

  • Return Policy

With that, you can put your own content to display in your Bukku Store.

Bukku Store supported SST

Good News for you if you are selling the SST applicable products in your Bukku store as taxes are now supported. Just be sure to have tax activated in your control panel and have the default tax code assigned in your product list.

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