If you want to break down your report into specific sections, you can utilize the tags function to assist you in doing so. For instance, if you have multiple projects and you wish to view the report for a particular project, you can employ tags.
You have 3 branches and you want to split your sales and purchases report based on Branches.
Branch Name
Kuala Lumpur
Johor Bahru
To create the Tags, kindly follow the steps below:
1. Go to Control Panel > Tags > +Tag Group
2. Enter the New Tag Group Name, example Branch, and click on Save.
3. Next, click on the +Tag to create a Branch name
4. Select the Tag Group and Key in the Name, and click on Save
5. Once done, you will see the tags will appear on your tags list.
6. When recording a transaction, such as a Sales Invoice, you have the flexibility to choose from a set of previously created tags. These tags can be used to break down your transaction based on different branches or divisions within your organization.
7. When generating a report, such as a profit & loss report, you have the flexibility to filter the data based on specific tags. This allows you to focus on particular branches or divisions within your organization and analyze their individual performance.
8. Furthermore, you can compare the reports based on tag groups.