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18 articles
What are the risks of investing through Cahootz?
Is my investment protected by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS)?
Does Cahootz recommend properties or provide investment advice?
What is the minimum holding period, term of my investment?
Can I cancel my investment?
Are the rental yields quoted by Cahootz guaranteed?
What happens if Cahootz goes out of business?
Is my investment capital protected?
Will I be asked to contribute towards costs over and above my fractions investment amount?
How is current or expected rental yield calculated?
What types of properties can I invest in through the platform?
How do I decide which properties to invest in?
How do I track the performance of my fractional investments in property?
Is fractional investing in property only available to accredited investors?
What happens if a property in the portfolio is not generating rental income?
Will I lose my money if Cahootz stops operating?
How are dividend amounts calculated?
When are dividends paid out?