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Leads FAQs

Frequently asked questions about CampusReel lead data.

Kelley Griffin avatar
Written by Kelley Griffin
Updated over a week ago

Q: What are the meanings of each user type I see on my leads export?

A: Use these definitions:

Click here more information on data points collected.

  • Student = current High School Student at the time of registration

  • College Student = current college student at the time of registration (transfer applicant)

  • Graduate Student = prospective grad student possibly already has a Bachelor's degree

  • Parent = most likely parent of a high school student

Q: How do students end up on my school's list of leads?

A: There are three ways a student's name gets added to your list:

  • When logged in, the student is watching videos on your school's profile.

  • At the time of registration, they selected your school (from our nationwide list of options) as one of their top 3 institutions of choice.

    • This is how a student's name is on your list regardless of whether or not you have an active profile with video material to watch.

  • The student completed the RFI on an embedded video on YOUR SCHOOL'S WEBSITE.

    Example: Student filles out their details directly on the video RFI form.

Q: How do I know which users filled out the RFI from a video embedded on my school's site?

A: Check the "source" column on your lead export. Students who fill out the RFI will be indicated there.

Hover your cursor over the text to identify which exact video or playlist the student submitted their information to.

Q: Do CampusReel leads integrate with Slate (or other CRM)?

A: We are very proud of our Slate integration! Read more about that here: Slate Integration with CampusReel. If you have a CRM other than Slate, talk to us about options to connect CampusReel to your CRM using Zapier.

Q: Can I be notified when I get new leads?

A: Yes! Click here to see how to opt into weekly or instant lead notifications.

Q: Are these leads expecting a response or communication from my school?

A: Students who interact with video content on or select your institution as a top choice are not explicitly expecting a communication touchpoint from your school (source column says "").

If the student submitted their details using the video RFI, assume they are expecting some response from you (source column says "Video RFI Form").

Q: Can I filter the leads before I export them?

A: Yes! Click on the magenta filter icon at the top of the list. You can filter for User type, Transfer Applicants only, Source, and Time frame.

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