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Why Organic Leads?
Kelley Griffin avatar
Written by Kelley Griffin
Updated over a week ago

Our approach to lead generation is extremely unique. We believe (and know) that your site has more students on it than all 3rd party vendors combined, but figuring out whose on your site is difficult. Essentially, converting web traffic into high-intent leads is a huge challenge.

Our goal - use content + technology to generate your own organic leads. Organic leads are generated from people who are already on your site and are therefore extremely interested in your school or program.

The problem is that most schools capture <1% of all this traffic.

We want you to know who is watching your content, so you have the opportunity to add them to your funnel and continue the conversation after. If we can double, triple or even quintuple your organic leads, we’ll also be able to build a healthier funnel with high quality data.

Why is this our goal? - Organic leads are good leads because they share these commonalities:

  • Demonstrated interest in your program

  • High engagement with content

  • Quality is prioritized over quantity

  • Less competition with other programs buying the same name

  • Trust is already built-in

Outside of higher ed, organic leads convert 10X higher than paid leads. Inside higher ed, the discrepancy is even larger. For example, let’s say you buy 100,000 names from 3rd parties based on demographic data - how many of them turn into applications or enrollments? By all accounts of our current partner clients, less than 1%.

Our partners’ leads generated from CampusReel content and technology convert into applications at a rate of 59%.

CampusReel’s superpower is its ability to scale highly engaging video content, and then use technology to extract high-intent organic leads from it.

By increasing a client’s ability to generate high-intent organic leads, CampusReel:

  • Decreases dependence on the existing 3rd party name market

  • Creates a fair value exchange between data and content

  • Brings people and community to the forefront of education’s search market

  • Matches schools and students with their best fits

And where do we start extracting these high powered organic leads? Your own website. This brings me to the most important fact about higher education recruitment: Your own website has an exponentially larger reach among your interested students than all of the world’s college search engines combined.

You don’t have a traffic problem - you have a conversion problem. If you want to fix your lead generation problem, you first need to fix your traffic conversion problem.

It is our mission to help you turn your traffic into strong organic leads. To repeat, the perfect organic lead generation formula is Content + Technology. CampusReel and your school are the perfect team - Your website has the traffic, and we have the video content + lead generation technology.

So, let’s dive into how we can create more organic leads by combining video with our video RFI form!

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