Do Not accept the new patient's Appointment Request in CareCru just yet
In Dentrix - create the New Patient first (with proper Family File), and then create their New Appointment
Back in CareCru - after 3-5 seconds, click 'Accept' on their Appointment Request
In the prompt that appears, select that Patient, click 'Link Patient' button
In the prompt that appears, select that Appointment, click 'Link Appointment' button
That new patient's CareCru profile is now properly linked to their Dentrix profile, and their CareCru appointment request is now linked to the appointment in Dentrix.
Since they're in the system now (no longer a "new" patient) - any future Appointment Requests from them will just require you to create their appointment in Dentrix first, and then after, Accept and Link their appointment request in CareCru.
Please also see the other related articles below for handling Online Booking Requests: