In order to enable the Virtual Waiting Room, you'll need to follow these steps:
Go to Account Settings > Donna > Virtual Waiting Room
Click on the First Box titled "Waiting Room Reminder"
On the sidebar that appears set the toggle to ON
Click Save
Customize Virtual Waiting room reminder settings and Verbiage
Just like all other reminders, you can customize the settings & Verbiage for each part of the Virtual waiting room reminder -
When to send a message: Select an interval of time (eg. 2 hours, 1 hour)
Click on Advanced Settings
Send reminders at a set time: Toggle this on if you want to send the VWR reminders at a set time (eg. VWR reminders for all scheduled appointments for the day go out at 7 am) vs the reminder going out XX hours before the appointment (ex. Reminders for 10:30 AM appointments will be sent at 8:30 AM)
CareCru recommends that for VWR reminders keep the Send reminders at a set time toggled OFF
Time to send reminders: If Send reminder at a set time is toggled on, you will need to select a specific time.
Do not send reminders before: Toggle this on for the 2hr Waiting room reminder where you do not want a reminder to go out earlier than a specific time. (eg. for a 2-hour VWR day reminder set the earliest Send time no later than 7 AM, or else Donna will not send this reminder to your first set of appointments scheduled at 9 AM or adjust the time to 1hr)
Once all settings are completed, you can preview and/or edit the verbiage, add tags or emojis
Click SAVE to save the changes.
Once the Virtual Waiting room is set up click on the Box Titled "Patient Arrival" to customize the message that is sent immediately after the patient replies "here" and on the box labeled "Practice Ready" to customize the verbiage upon clicking notify patient.