Import Articles

A guide on how to import articles to Cirrus

Jennifer Meidell avatar
Written by Jennifer Meidell
Updated over a week ago

Importing data to Cirrus with Excel templates is a smart way to get started with a lot of information in one go. 

Every import in Cirrus begins with downloading a template that follows a specific structure to make the import possible. 

To import companies (mandatory to work with order and quotes Cirrus) you need to download the template. You can find the templates in the import guide under "Settings" in the bottom of the menu.

For Cirrus 1 - Navigate to the Control Panel and then select Import.

Step 1. 

Download the template "importtemplate_articles" and complete it with your data.

Not sure which data to put where? Doublecheck you file with the help guide on the left when you've started the import.

Step 2. 

Select "+New import" in the bottom of bottom of the page and then select what type of data you want to import. In this case, choose "Articles" and click "Forward". 

Step 3. 

Upload your file by choosing "+ Add File" and select the file you want to import.
When your file is uploaded, pick it up in the import archive and then "Forward".

Step 4.

In this step you'll be able to change some settings for your import. 

  • Do you want to add new articles that's in your file but not yet in Cirrus? YES/NO

  • Do you want to update articles from your file that already exists in Cirrus? YES/NO

Proceed with "Forward".

Step 5. 

In this step you can review your import before completing it. All articles from your file will be displayed and you can choose if there are any that you want to skip.

When you're all set, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click "Forward" to complete the import. Done!

3000 rows are the maximum your can import at one time. Imports with more than 3000 rows will not work. If you have more than 3000 rows you need to make several imports.

What's next?

Now when you've got all your articles in place, you're ready to start creating quotes or orders.
Would you like to see an overview of the articles you just imported? Click here to find out how.

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