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EVV Reports

What data will I see in each report and which report should I use to post my EVV data?

Written by Kate Lewis
Updated over a week ago


Use this report to export your EVV data to upload to ASAP in Massachusetts.

AuthentiCare Manual Data Post

Use this report to post your EVV data to AuthentiCare in Arkansas and Delaware.

Related articles:

Call Listing Report

Shows clock-in and out details for all schedules within a specified time period. Can be filtered by client and/or payer.

Call Summary Report

Shows clock-in and out details for all schedules within a specified time period, grouped by client and service type. Can be filtered by client.

CareBridge Manual Data Post

Use this report to post your EVV data to CareBridge in Iowa, New Jersey and North Carolina.

CareBridge Response

Use this report to see the response from CareBridge to your posted EVV batches.

Client Visit Summary

Shows the total number of visits by each caregiver for each service type, grouped by client.

Clock in/Clock out Location and Mode

Shows clock-in and out details (time, latitude/longitude, method) for all schedules within a specified date range. Can be filtered by client, caregiver and/or schedule status.

DMAS 90 Report

Use this report to download DMAS 90 forms for your shifts, for use in Virginia.

Related Articles:

Express EVV Data

Use this report to export your EVV data to upload to eXPRS in Oregon.

GPS Coordination and Electronic Signature

Shows clock-in and out locations and client signatures for all schedules within a specified date range. Can be filtered by client, caregiver and/or schedule status.

GPS Distance Exception Report

Shows all clock-in and out attempts that failed due to being outside the minimum radius. Latitude and longitudes will be shown for both the client's address and the caregiver's location at the time of the attempt, as well as the distance between them. Clicking either latitude/longitude will open the location in Google Maps.

HHA Exchange Billed Visits Import Report

Use this report to export your billed visits for upload to HHA Exchange in Arkansas, Florida, New York, North Carolina and Pennsylvania.

HHA Exchange Confirmed Visits Import Report

Use this report to export your completed, but unbilled visits for upload to HHA Exchange in Arkansas, Florida, New York, North Carolina and Pennsylvania.

HHA Exchange Delete Schedule Import Report

Use this report to export your deleted schedules for upload to HHA Exchange in Arkansas, Florida, New York, North Carolina and Pennsylvania.

HHA Exchange Missed Visit Import Report

Use this report to export your missed visits for upload to HHA Exchange in Arkansas, Florida, New York, North Carolina and Pennsylvania.

HHA Exchange Schedule Import Report

Use this report to export your scheduled visits for upload to HHA Exchange in Arkansas, Florida, New York, North Carolina and Pennsylvania.

Related Articles:

HHA Exchange Data Post

Use this report to post your EVV data to HHA Exchange in New Jersey and West Virginia.

Original vs Publish Family Feedback

Shows all schedules with caregiver feedback to family entered. Will show the original feedback entered by the caregiver, as well as any agency changes to it, and the details of when the change was made and by whom.

Original vs Published Notes

Shows all schedules with caregiver notes entered. Will show the original notes entered by the caregiver, as well as any agency changes to them, and the details of when the change was made and by whom.

Sandata Data Post

Use this report to post your EVV data to Sandata in the following states:

  • Arizona

  • Colorado

  • Hawaii

  • Idaho

  • Illinois

  • Indiana

  • Maine

  • North Carolina

  • Ohio

  • Pennsylvania

  • Vermont

  • Wisconsin

Related Articles:

Scheduled Shift vs Actual Time Delivered

Shows all schedules within a specified date range, with their scheduled times and the actual times recorded by the caregiver.

Tellus Data Post

Use this report to post your EVV data to Tellus in Florida, Georgia, Kentucky and Nebraska.

Tellus Details

Use this report to see the response from Tellus to your posted EVV batches, and re-post if required.

Related Articles:

Utah EVV Data

Use this report to export your EVV data for upload in Utah.

Utah EVV Details

Use this report to see the response to your posted EVV batches in Utah.

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