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What's New - May 5, 2021
Written by Jeff
Updated over a week ago

User(s) can now see "Service type" and "Meeting Type" on the calendar view.

User(s) will now be able to view “Service Type” for Shifts and “Meeting Type” for Meetings on all the Calendar views (Client, Caregiver, Staff, Schedule Calendar, Open Shift Calendar, Find Caregiver, Client portal, and Caregiver portal). Furthermore, redundant information is removed from the Calendars for better visibility.

For example, the Client’s name is removed from the shifts on the Client’s Calendar, Caregiver’s name is removed from the shifts and meetings on the Caregiver’s Calendar, and so on.

User(s) can now see "Service Type" as well as the Authorization number on the calendar.

Agency users can now see the “Service Type” information with the Auth number on the calendar. This info will help the Agency to see the service type attached to visible Auth.

A new Authorization type is available in our system.

A new option for authorization called ‘Per Authorization’ has been added to the system. Previously, only Per Day, Per Week, Per Month, and Per Year authorizations were allowed in the system. The new authorization provides the user with the flexibility to choose any number of days for the authorization. The authorized hours can be consumed any time between the "from" date and the "to" date. Agencies might want to use this for a yearly respite authorization, to avoid having problems when the calendar year ends.

Exceeded Authorizations Report.

A new report called Exceeded Authorizations has been added under the Client reports. The report gives a list of authorizations that have been exceeded during a specified period with additional filters for office, client, client status, client type, payer, territory, start date, and end date. Results, grouped by the office (if applicable) include the following items: client name, payer, authorization ID, service, start and end dates, allocated hours, hours used, and hours remaining.

Emergency Contacts now changed to Contacts.

  1. All labels under the Emergency Contacts section are now updated to “Contacts” in the Client profile.

  2. While creating a contact, if the user(s) cannot find a relevant “Relation to Client”, they can use the “Other” checkbox to add a text of their own.

  3. User(s) can now define a contact as “Emergency Contact”.

  4. The above changes are also reflected in the Assessment section.

  5. Admin > Role Management > Permission under Client are also relabeled.

  6. User management > Client portal users - “Emergency Contact user” label changed to “Contact User”.

  7. Client Reports > Client Emergency Contacts – Report name changed to “Client Contact List”.

Ability to Stop sharing a key document(s) with the Client from the Client profile.

Earlier, Agency User(s) were able to share a key document with the Client but there was no option to stop the sharing. Now, Agency User(s) will be able to "stop Sharing" a key document that is already shared with the client.

Ability to Share and Stop Sharing Key document(s) with the clients from the Caregiver profile.

Earlier, Agency User(s) were not able to share Caregiver Key Document(s) with Clients. Now Agency User(s) will be able to Share and Stop sharing key documents with Clients. The shared documents will be visible to the Clients only during an active or upcoming schedule with Caregiver(s). Upon the completion of the schedule and if the Caregiver has no further schedules with the Client, the shared documents will not be available.

On the Client portal > Key Document(s) > Caregiver Key Document(s), Client can view these documents. Shared documents can be viewed by User(s) who have permission to access the Client portal.

Performing a bulk operation on Sharing and Stop Sharing of Key Documents of Clients.

Agency User(s) can now Share and Stop Sharing multiple documents with Client(s) and Caregiver(s) at once. This can be done from the Client profile > Key Documents section and Caregiver profile > Key Documents section.

Client Portal now has key documents segregated under the Client and Caregiver Key documents section.

  1. One section will be known as “Client Key Documents”. This section will contain all Client specific documents shared by Agency.

  2. The second section will be known as “Caregiver Key Documents”. This section will contain all caregiver documents shared by Agency with the client.

  3. In the Key documents table, information like Format, Size, and Type are now clubbed under one “File Info”.

Ability to define Caregiver(s) traveling preference in Caregiver’s profile.

  1. The caregiver’s traveling preference can now be defined in his profile. The predefined options field “Distance Willing to Travel (in Miles)” can be used to define the distance a Caregiver is willing to travel for work.

  2. Distance will be calculated from Caregiver’s primary address (zip code and Address line 1). If the address info is empty, then defined distance will not be considered.

  3. On the Find Caregiver screen, Caregivers whose traveling preference does not match with the Client, will not appear.

  4. If Agency tries to assign a shift to a Caregiver, where Caregiver’s traveling preference does not match with the Client, then the system will show a conflict with an option to ignore. This setting can be managed under “Office Settings > Alerts > Caregiver Not Available”.

Ability to override Clock-In Clock-Out radius in Office settings by defining it in Client’s profile.

  1. Agency can now define Clock-In Clock-Out radius in respective Client’s profile if they need it to be different from office settings.

  2. It can be defined as “Custom and Same as Office Setting”. If set to Custom, then a custom radius can be defined (a value greater than zero).

  3. Value in the Client’s profile will be preferred over the office setting.

  4. If “Exempt this Client from Distance-based Clock-In/Out” is checked, this will have the highest priority.

Ability to define commonly used shift timings.

Under Settings > Scheduling > Preferred Time Slots, an agency can now add some commonly used shift timings. One of the defined slots can be used as default.

These slots will be defined at the Agency level.

These defined slots will be available while creating a new schedule. On selecting one of the defined slots, the shift’s start and end time will reflect the change.

Log History of a Schedule and Meeting now includes the creation information.

  1. Agency can now go to the Log History of a Schedule and Meeting and see, when and by whom it was created.

  2. In the Log History table, “Modified By, Modified Date and Time” are now clubbed together under “Modified”.

Reset/Change Password Label updated

At the time of changing the password across the application, our system will give the prompt to enter “Temporary Password and Confirm Temporary Password” replacing the existing labels as "New Password" and "Confirm Password".

Alert for duplicate Social Security Numbers

While adding a Caregiver, Caregiver Applicant, or Client the agency users(s) would now be alerted if the entered social security number already exists in the database. In case of SSN conflict following message would be displayed to the user:

The SSN entered conflicts with the SSN of “$Entity Type$” “$LastName, First Name$”.

Add the ZIP code to the address at the top of the client and caregiver profiles

The agency user(s) will now be able to see the Zip Code and address details at the top of the Client and the Caregiver profile(s).

Multiple people are assigned to a task.

Agency user(s) will now be able to assign multiple people to a task. All the assignee(s) will be able to view the assigned task in their dashboard. Once the task is marked as completed it would be removed from the dashboard of the assignee who completed the task as well as from the dashboard of all the co-assignees.

Recurring events in Task.

Once the task is marked as completed the Agency user(s) will now be given the option to create the next event for the same task. Apart from the Due Date and the Status fields, the entire data from the previous task would be pre-populated and displayed to the user in an editable form. Post updating the due date, the user would then be able to create the next event for the task.

Change in the Refund Functionality

The agency user(s) will now be able to select the deposit number which they would like to refund i.e during refund a drop-down would be made available to the user(s), giving user(s) provision to select the deposit number. from the drop-down.

Mobile App Updates

Caregiver(s) to received in-app notification to review Open shift(s).

On the Caregiver Mobile app, caregiver(s) will receive an in-app notification at 8 AM every day if they have pending open shift(s) to review.

Alerting Caregiver at the time of clock-in/clock-out on a wrong day

On the Mobile app, caregiver(s) will be alerted if they try to clock-in/clock-out on wrong day. The app will prompt the user and check if they still want to proceed further.

EVV Updates

1. Integration with Sandata in the state of IDAHO.

Caresmartz360 is now integrated with Sandata in the State of IDAHO

2. HHA exchange reason code updates in the state of Pennsylvania.

The updated reason code list received from the aggregator has been updated in the Caresmartz360 system for use.

3. HHA Integration in the state of West Virginia via API integration.

Caresmartz360 is now integrated with HHA exchange via API in the state of West Virginia

4. Sandata Old UI will no longer be available from this release.

The 2 Old reports that would go away are found under EVV -> Reports -> in the name of Sandata Manual data post and Sandata visit Maintenance will no longer be visible.

These old reports will be replaced with the new one called " Sandata Data Post".

5. Integration with Sandata in the state of Rhode Island.

Caresmartz360 is now integrated with Sandata in the State of Rhode Island

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