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Filevine Integration Setup & Overview

The Filevine integration allows projects created in Filevine to be imported into Case Status, and certain datapoints to transfer

Updated over 3 months ago


  1. The Filevine integration is activated through the use of an API Key and Key Secret. The firm will need to either create a new key or obtain an existing key from their developer portal at the URL below.

  2. Once in the Filevine developer portal, the user will need to ensure the scope says 'Core API'. From there they will copy the API Key and Key Secret and provide this to Case Status.

Please Note: If your firm does not currently have access to the developer portal listed above, you may request from Filevine support that this be enabled for your firm. Once this feature is enabled, a Filevine integration user will be added to your selected org, but must also be added to any projects you would like to sync with Case Status. Filevine's Org > Members tool can assist with adding this user to all projects at once. Any projects this user isn't added to will not sync with Case Status or any other integration partner.

Importing/Syncing Projects

  1. Once the integration has been set up, projects can be imported into Case Status. There are several ways this can be configured, which will be laid out below. Additionally, firms have the option of importing/syncing all of their projects or syncing them individually.

    1. If this is the first sync, all projects from the last 10 years will be imported into CaseStatus

    2. If this is not the first sync, it will only pull in projects from the last 30 days

Import/Sync All Projects

All projects with the required fields (see integration mapping article) will be imported into Case Status.

  1. Automatic Sync: The automatic sync runs nightly at 9:15 PM UTC and will import/sync all projects with the required fields.

    1. This is a configurable setting by the CaseStatus team and can be turned on or off at the firm's request.

  2. Manual Sync: The sync can be triggered manually by clicking the 'Sync with Filevine' button where the user will select 'All Cases'.

    1. After manually syncing, a CSV will be sent to whoever triggered the sync with a breakdown of which projects were attempted, and the results of those attempts.

Individual Project Import inside Case Status

  1. To import/sync a singular project choose 'Individual Case' after clicking 'Sync with Filevine', and type in the integration ID

  2. The Integration ID is the Project Number of the case

  3. After syncing, the pop-out will display the results of the attempted sync


Individual Project Import inside Filevine

In addition to syncing individual cases within Case Status, Filevine has the option to add a custom button that can be used to sync projects to Case Status. Below are the instructions to add this feature.

  1. Navigate to the hamburger menu on the left-hand side in Filevine and select 'Advanced' from the menu.

  2. Then select the 'Customs Editor' from the left menu and choose the Practice Area where you wish to apply this change.

    1. If you want to apply this button to all Practice Areas, you will have to add it to each individually.

  3. Once you are in the Practice Area you can choose which section of the Project you would like the button to be in.

  4. After selecting the section, scroll down to the 'Custom Section Setup'> 'Custom Fields/Widgets' and click the button to add a Field/Widget

  5. When to modal pops up, select 'Widget' and input the following selections:

    1. Button Title & Icon can be of your choosing



Once you are done creating your widget you are all set! You will see this widget in all cases for that Practice Area.

Clicking the widget will open a new tab which will automatically sync the case in 10 seconds, or you can click the sync button to trigger the sync immediately.

Syncing Documents & Messages


  1. Documents will sync automatically every 20 minutes. Documents can also be synced manually by clicking the 'Sync with Filevine' button.

  2. When documents are synced they can be found within the Project in the Docs tab.



  1. Messages will sync automatically every 2 minutes.

  2. When they are synced they can be found in the main Feed as well as within the project in the Activity tab.

  3. Regular messages will be displayed with the following attributes

    1. #CaseStatus and #Message will appear at the top of the feed item along with a link to the project in CaseStatus

    2. Messages will be grouped under this feed item, which can be expanded.

    3. Once expanded messages will be tagged with #Outbound and #Inbound according to the sender

    4. The message will include the sender of the message, its content of it, and the date/time it was sent.

  4. Appointments will be displayed with the following attributes

    1. #CaseStatus and #Appointments will appear at the top of the feed item along with the link to the appointments tab for that project in Case Status.

    2. The details of the appointment and reminders that are sent/scheduled will be visible once the item is expanded

    3. It will indicate who created the appointment along with the #Outbound tag to signify an appointment reminder was sent to the client.

    4. The messages here will contain all appointment information including date, time, and location.

Stage & Status Updates

  1. Case Status now supports stage change syncing between the two systems. When a stage changes in Filevine, the stage will update in Case Status once the case is synced, either through our nightly sync or if forced manually within either system.

  2. If the stages you have in Filevine do not match the stage names in Case Status, simply let our team know how you would like them mapped and we will update that in the backend.

  3. Please Note: Currently, we only support 12 stages in Case Status so we will only be able to map 12 Filevine stages to trigger a Case Status stage change.

Sending messages from Filevine

  1. Case status now supports sending messages directly from Filevine without needing to log in to Case Status. This is referred to as the Filevine Messaging Webhook. You can enable this feature by following the steps listed in the following guide:

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