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Case Management System Integrations
Overview of the different Case Management Systems Case Status integrates with
24 articles
Overview of the CASEpeer integration
CASEpeer Integration Setup & OverviewOverview of the setup between CASEpeer and Case Status for a Firm Staff Member
CASEpeer & Case Status Field MappingOverview of how Case Status connects to Field Mapping
CASEpeer Message NotificationsFor firm users that want notifications when a client sends a message that is posted back to CASEpeer, this can be configured from within the CASEpeer portal.
Overview of the Clio integration
Clio Integration Setup & OverviewThe Clio integration allows matters created in Clio to be imported into Case Status, and for certain data to be synced between the two
Clio & Case Status Field MappingThe following fields in Case Status are linked to the following corresponding fields in Clio
Error: This file was not saved to Clio because a corresponding matter in Clio was not found.
Overview of the FileVine integration
Filevine Integration Setup & OverviewThe Filevine integration allows projects created in Filevine to be imported into Case Status, and certain datapoints to transfer
Filevine & Case Status Field MappingThe following is a guide to what fields in Filevine will be mapped to the corresponding fields in Case Status depending on configuration
Filevine Messaging Webhook SetupThe Filevine messaging webhook enables the user to send a message to their client in Case Status without ever leaving the Filevine platform
Error: This file was not saved to FileVine because a corresponding matter in Clio was not found
Overview of the Litify integration
Litify Integration Setup and OverviewIn order to set up the Litify integration, a few key steps are needed within the Litify instance as well as on the Case Status side.
Litify/Salesforce Apex ClassesSalesforce Apex Classes that can be used in place of our standard integration to transfer information between our two systems.
Error: This file was not saved to Litify because a corresponding matter in Litify was not found.
Send Custom Notifications from Litify when a Case Status Message is receivedSteps to create a flow that will notify Principal Attorneys and Case Managers when a new message is received from a client
Merus Case
Overview of the Merus Case integration
MerusCase Integration Setup & OverviewThe MerusCase integration allows matters created in MerusCase to be imported into Case Status and for certain datapoints to sync
Error Message: "Case not imported" - Merus Case
Error: This file was not saved to Merus Case because a corresponding matter in Merus Case was not found.
MerusCase Field MappingOverview of the field mapping between Case Status and MerusCase
Overview of the MyCase integration
MyCase Integration Setup and OverviewThe MyCase integration allows matters created in MyCase to be imported into Case Status, and for certain datapoints to sync between
MyCase & Case Status Field MappingThe following fields in Case Status are linked to the following corresponding fields in MyCase.
Overview of the SmartAdvocate integration
SmartAdvocate Integration OverviewOverview of the integration of the integration between SmartAdvocate and Case Status
SmartAdvocate & Case Status Field MappingThe following chart describes which fields in Case status map to their corresponding fields in SmartAdvocate.