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Charm Integrations: Salesforce
Charm Integrations: Salesforce

The Charm Salesforce managed package allows for charm data to easily be synced with your Salesforce CRM account.

Written by Andrew
Updated over a week ago


Navigate to your Charm account page and click the “Install Package” link next to either “Salesforce” or “Salesforce Sandbox”, depending on if the Salesforce organization you intended to install the package into is a sandbox.

This will open a Salesforce login prompt if you are not already logged into a Salesforce organization, then a prompt to confirm installation of the Package. Leave all settings as-is, acknowledge the warning and click “Install”.


By default, only a small number of fields are displayed on the “details” tab of the custom Charm object installed by the package. It is useful to display the linked Account object on this tab, as well as any other charm data fields of interest:

This can be configured by navigating to the Page Layout of the charm object. From the setup menu, click “Objects and Fields” in the left-hand menu, then select “Object manager”. Select the “Charm” object from the list and click on “Page Layouts”, then “Charm Layout”. In the page layout editor, drag and drop the “Account” field into the “Charm Detail” section. Repeat this process for any other Charm fields you’d like to show:

It may also be desirable to access the linked charm object directly from the corresponding account object. This can be accomplished by adding a “Related Lists” field to the page layout used for the account object. To do this, select the “Account“ object from the object manager, then the page layout used in your instance. In the page layout editor, select “Related Lists” from the left-hand menu and drag and drop the “Charm” field into the “Related Lists” section.

Company Enrichment

Charm data is imported into Salesforce in the form of a custom “Charm” object that is linked to the relevant account object. This way no modifications to the account object, including custom field mappings, are necessary to consume charm data.

The Charm Salesforce package uses the “Website” field on existing account objects in the Salesforce organization to look for matching brands in the Charm database. For any matching brand found, a charm object will be created or an existing charm object will be updated with the latest data. Note that subdomains and protocols (e.g. “www” and “https://“) are removed by the application and will not affect matching with charm brands.

(go to Integrations Overview to see the different ways that you can enrich brand data to Hubspot)

Contact Enrichment

If your Charm account has bi-directional contact sync enabled, contact enrichment will happen during the company enrichment process. Whenever a company is selected for enrichment during either the batch or live syncs, The Charm Salesforce package will query the charm database for any contacts linked to this company and update the charm contacts in your Salesforce with the latest Charm data.

Like company enrichment, contacts are imported in the form of a custom “Charm Contact” object. These objects are linked to the main “Charm” object, and can be viewed by clicking on the “Related” tab of a charm object:

Upgrade to a newer version

On's Account page there is always a link to install latest version.

If you have older version installed, Salesforce would automatically offer to upgrade. Please select to upgrade package for All Users.

There will be a loading screen letting you know the upgrading status while the upgrading is in progress. This may take a minute.

Uninstall Integration

In order to remove the Charm Managed package from a Salesforce organization, The process builder processes installed by the package must be manually deactivated first. This can be done by navigating to Setup → Process Automation → Process Builder then clicking “Deactivate” On the four “Charm” Processes:

The Charm package can then be uninstalled, which will remove the custom Charm and Charm Contact objects. From Setup, navigate to Apps →Packaging → Installed packages and click “uninstall” next to the charm package:

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