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Charm Integrations: Hubspot
Charm Integrations: Hubspot

The Charm Hubspot app allows for Charm data to easily be synced with a Hubspot CRM account.

Written by Andrew
Updated over a week ago


To install the charm Hubspot application, navigate to your Charm account page and click the “connect” link next to “Hubspot”:

This will open a Hubspot page which will prompt you to choose an account to connect to charm:

Select “Choose Account” and follow the prompts to complete the installation.

Hubspot Configuration

  1. It is recommended to turn off Hubspot's functionality to create new companies with contacts. This can be done on Hubspot's settings page, under Data Management > Objects > Companies.

    This will prevent Hubspot from creating new companies when it detects that there are multiple email domains used in a single Charm brand.

    For more details, please refer to Hubspot Knowledge Base linked below (

  2. If you want to configure some charm properties to show up with the company by default, click on a single company on the “companies” page and select “View all properties”:

    Individual charm properties can be added to your default company view by clicking “Add to your view”:

Company Enrichment

The Charm Hubspot app uses the “Website URL” company property to look for matching brands in the Charm database. Any Hubspot companies with matching charm brands are automatically enriched with charm brand data. Note that subdomains and protocols (e.g. “www” and “https://“) are removed by the application and will not affect matching with charm brands.

The Charm Hubspot app creates custom company properties to hold data from the Charm database. Charm Hubspot properties are grouped into a custom “Charm” property group so as to not conflict with other properties in your CRM account:

(go to Integrations Overview to see the different ways that you can enrich brand data to Hubspot)

Contact Enrichment

If your Charm account has bi-directional contact sync enabled, contact enrichment will happen during the company enrichment process. Whenever a company is selected for enrichment during either the batch or live syncs, The Charm Hubspot app will query the charm database for any contacts linked to this company. Contacts existing in your CRM and matching a Charm contact will be enriched with Charm contact data. Otherwise, the application will create a new Contact.

The Charm Hubspot app uses the contact email address to match against contacts in the Charm database. Like company enrichment, custom properties are created and are grouped into a custom “Charm” property group. Only these “Charm” properties will be updated during the sync processes outlined above.

In the case that the integration creates a new contact, the contact will have the canonical Hubspot properties populated with the charm values in addition to the custom charm properties. This only occurs when the contact is created; any changes to canonical Hubspot properties will not be overwritten during future Charm syncs. This ensures that the Charm Hubspot integration will not overwrite data for any manually-curated contacts in your CRM.

Hubspot Sync Settings

Please see the “CRM Account Settings” document for an explanation of the user controls available for the Charm Hubspot app.

Uninstall Integration

To uninstall the Charm Hubspot app, first visit your charm account page and click “Remove”. This disconnects your Hubspot account from the batch and live syncs of charm data.

You can then remove the Charm application from your Hubspot account. In your account settings, navigate to “Account Setup” → “Integrations” → “Connected Apps” and click “Uninstall” in the “Actions” Drop-down menu.

Note that this will not remove the “Charm” property groups from your contacts and companies. These must be removed manually in the Hubspot “properties” settings page.

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