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Semi-Monthly Payroll, Cali OT, Payroll Exports, Different Pay Rates and Other Unique Payroll Situations 😊
Semi-Monthly Payroll, Cali OT, Payroll Exports, Different Pay Rates and Other Unique Payroll Situations 😊

Our Payroll Snapshot™ is a multifunctional powerhouse that can handle many complex payroll matters including semi-monthly pay periods w/OT

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Written by CustomerCareTeam
Updated over 6 months ago

Our Payroll Snapshot™ (PS) is a powerful workhorse that can solve business problems and help your business run more efficiently.

Payroll Problems Solved by the Payroll Snapshot

  • It's the magic behind the QuickBooks Integration (and try this one for the QB Advanced Guide).

  • The PS handles semi-monthly hours with overtime.

  • It creates export formats for various payroll companies such as ADP, Paychex, Paycom, Payroll Data Processing, and others. 

  • It can isolate hours that need to be paid at a different rate. 

  • The PS allows you to set your workday start time.

  • It can split your time cards across your workday start time if employees are on the clock when a new workday starts.

  • It can calculate PTO hours as OT exempt.

  • The PS can handle California overtime rules. 

How to Set Up the Payroll Snapshot

Go to Snapshot Settings>Payroll Settings>Default Pay Types.

Fill in the Regular, OT1 and OT2 fields. The QB default names are the ones we used. If you aren't in California, you can enter NA for the OT2 field but don't leave it blank. Enter that info and save.

On the same screen, go to the Work Week Settings tab. This is where you will define your work week start day. If you are in California, apply the Expanded Overtime Settings. Check the box for Timecard Settings if you need to split your time cards that cross over to the next workday. Save your settings.

Now, we need to set your pay period. Go to Payroll Functions, Change Payroll Period, and select your pay period from the dropdown. Then, change your starting date, calculate the payroll period, and accept the changes. The PS is created from the dates you set here. 

Now go to Payroll Functions, Payroll Snapshot, and click New Snapshot.

Word of Caution:

The snapshot will begin to process and display the message, "New snapshot created, please wait while processing..." This is the point at which you check Facebook or grab a coffee.

Depending on your company's size, the process should not take long, but please wait for the next message, "The Snapshot for this Payroll Period has been created." It will process and cue up at the top of the list. Go ahead and click on it.

Then, go to the Exports tab. In the Exports dropdown are several export formats. The first 3 are our unique exports, and the rest are for payroll companies. Use one of ours if your company isn't using QB or another payroll service.

For summary payroll hours, use either Summary or Summary Totals. Summary Totals is more versatile and necessary when doing many of the other things on our list up there ⤴

If you use one of the payroll companies in this export dropdown list, find out from your payroll rep which one they need you to use. Then, you will export, save, and import it into your payroll company's user interface. 

If you only need to use the Payroll Snapshot for one of the following issues, you're all set:

  • California overtime;

  • Semi-monthly payroll

  • Splitting time cards across a new workday

  • Importing into a payroll company,

Let's look at a couple of issues that the Payroll Snapshot handles.

Same Employee, Different Pay Rates

We allow one pay rate per employee, but we can put employee hours into different Pay Types buckets. Pay Types are applied to either the job or an Activity Code.

For example, let's say that the My Money Bank location on 5th St is only cleaned on Saturdays, and because it's a weekend job, you pay your employee a higher rate for it. Wouldn't it be nice if those hours were broken out to make life easier for your payroll admin?

It can happen. To do the magic, we need to create a Pay Type. Go to Snapshot Settings, Job Pay Types.

Click on "Add New Job Pay Type". In the Description field, enter "Weekend". Or anything that makes sense to you. Go ahead and save. 

Now, this new Pay Type has to be applied to the job My Money Bank 5th St. Go to List Maintenance, Jobs, and click on My Money Bank 5th St. Then click the Advanced tab. From the Pay Type dropdown, select Weekend and then save. Now anytime an employee clocks into this job, all of the hours will go into the Weekend bucket.  

I mentioned that Pay Types can be applied to Activity Codes. What does that mean, and why do you care?

In our current example, let's say that the My Money Bank 5th St job is an everyday job, but you pay more on the weekends. We need an easy way to separate weekday and weekend hours for your frazzled payroll admin.

You can use Activity Codes. That article will explain how to create one, but select the Weekend Pay Type override you have already learned how to create. Instead of applying the Pay Type to the job, it's applied to the Activity. This means that any hours done at this activity at any job will go into this Pay Type bucket.

So, it's not just for the My Money Bank job. This one Activity Code can be used at any job paid at a higher rate on the weekend. Your employee will choose this activity on clock-in, and we put the hours in the correct bucket. 

And you ask, where are these buckets? Do you remember me mentioning the versatile Summary Totals export? That's the one you will use from the PS exports dropdown list. It exports as a spreadsheet with a separate column for each Pay Type. You can see below that the total hours for Dennis are 54.15 in column L, with regular hours (Hourly) in column M, Weekend hours in column N, and OT hours in column O.


That's it, and you can do this for any reason you need to pay a different rate based on the job or activity. Your payroll admin is going to love this! 💖

You probably already know that this payroll problem is going to be solved by Pay Types. Create a new Pay Type called PTO at Snapshot Settings,  Job Pay Types and check the Overtime Exempt box, and save.

Now, create a new job called PTO at List Maintenance, Jobs. On the Advanced tab, apply the PTO Pay Type and save.

You will create PTO time cards at Payroll Functions, Edit Time Cards. Choose an employee and Add New Time Card. The PTO job will be in the dropdown next to "In". Because we used a Pay Type to do this magic, these hours will be broken out in a separate column on the PS Summary Totals export (but will also be included in the total hours as OT exempt.) 

One last thought about PTO. Since it is a job, you really don't want your employees to have it as an option to clock into with the mobile app. Create a separate zone for it at List Maintenance, Zones.

Go to List Maintenance, Jobs, and click on PTO. In the dropdown for Job Zone, select PTO and save.

Now that PTO is in a separate zone, you will not give your employees access to that zone on the app. If employees currently have access to ALL ZONES, you will want to fix that. Here is an article that will help you set up existing employees to use the mobile app. 

If you think of any scenarios that you have that we haven't covered here, please let us know. I bet we have a solution. 💡

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