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Monitor Employee Activity with the Workforce Dashboard
Monitor Employee Activity with the Workforce Dashboard

Our Workforce Dashboard is an efficient and quick way to monitor the work week of your employees.

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Written by CustomerCareTeam
Updated over a week ago

You will find the Workforce Dashboard (WFD) at Dashboards, Workforce Dashboard on the admin website. This may also be your landing page when you log into your account. It tells you quite a few things.

Employee Activity You Can Monitor on the WFD

  1. A list of all employees working that week.

  2. The total hours worked for each employee.

  3. Total hours are shown in red if the employee has overtime.

  4. The daily totals.

  5. Who didn't work a day (Don's empty cell on Tuesday).

  6. Red cells: the employee missed a clock out that day and needs to be edited.Β 

  7. Yellow cells: a location violation occurred that day. This could mean a GPS track on clock in or out was somewhere other than the job site, or the employee had location services disabled on his/her phone.

  8. Light green: the employee is currently on the clock.

  9. Dark green: The time card is good. Employee clocked out with no GPS violations on clock in or out.

Understanding the Time Card Maps

You can click into each cell to see the time card map. You would want to do this with the yellow location violations. Let's check out Don on Wednesday.

The red box represents his job site, and the red arrow and red pin drop represent where Don was GPS-tracked to on clock in and out (the box and arrow added for illustration purposes). You can change the map view to "Hybrid" and zoom in to get a better view of where Don was hanging out when he should have been working. It looks like he clocked in at his house and clocked out at his neighbor's house. πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ

We think you will love the WFD. You may want to set up a second monitor to keep a constant eye on it. πŸ‘€

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