We are always looking for ways to protect you. Our system is built with a safety feature called "Auto Safeguard for Missed Clock-Outs." Its sole purpose is to protect your time cards when your employee forgets to clock out.Β We don't want the time clock to keep running and clock out your employees the next time they try to clock in.
When an Employee Forgets to Clock Out
The Auto Safeguard for Missed Clock-Outs will automatically reset the time card after 16 hours have passed from the employee's clock-in time (unless this default setting has been changed on the employee's file). We assume the employee forgot to clock out at the 16-hour mark.
What You Will See When Employees Forget to Clock Out
These time cards will have '0' hours.
They will be denoted with A in the Alarms column on the edit time card screen
Reports will show (A) Missed Clock-Out - no time assigned. Β
You must enter the clock-out time on the edit time card screen.
Uh-oh, Your Employee Tried to Clock Out
If your employees try to clock out and the system tells them they are clocking in, then either 1) they worked a shift over 16 hours or 2) their setting was changed. It's usually #2. The setting is always 16 but can be modified for each employee. It's not a global setting.
Layla's value was changed to 3 hours below. So, once she's on the clock for 3 hours and 1 second, the clock resets, and when she tries to clock out, the system will clock her in.Β
The Great Misunderstanding About the Auto Safeguard for Missed Clock-Outs Setting
Most people change this setting because they think it limits how long an employee can work on a shift. In Layla's case, they think that if she works over 3 hours, her time card will lock and cap at 3. That's not the case. We help solve this issue with Shift Lock π
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