We have many methods for your employees to clock in and out. You should be able to find a way that works for everyone.
Employees Have 5 Ways to Clock In and Clock Out
From a job site landline phone or cell
Our GPS time clock mobile app
From a desktop or laptop
The Dialer App with GPS
Crew clock-ins with the supervisor's GPS mobile app
1 - Clock In by Calling from the Job Site Landline or Cell Phone
Employees can clock in and out by calling a toll-free number from the job site landline or their cell phone. It's super easy to do in 3 steps and 17 seconds.
Call the toll-free clock-in number. Check out this article to find your toll-free number.
Enter their 6-digit employee access code.
Enter their 4-digit job code.
That's it! You can eliminate step 3 if your employees clock in from the job site landlines. Just link the job site caller ID to the job code. When employees call from linked phones, we won't ask for the job code, and it's a great way to ensure employees are at the job site when clocking in.
2 - Clock In with the GPS Time Clock App
Your employees can clock in with our GPS time clock app with 2 clicks. We will report their GPS location and whether we track them at the job site or not (if they have their location services enabled). Here's how to set up your existing employees to use the mobile app (which also applies to clocking in from a desktop or laptop).
3 - Clock In from a Desktop or Laptop
Clocking in from a desktop or laptop is a great option for office workers or employees who work remotely from home. They will need login credentials that you learned how to create above. Employees will clock in through https://m.chronotek.net/login.aspx.
4 - Clock In With Our Dialer App
The Dialer App is a great solution if you want GPS tracks when employees clock in/out but also want to use our integrated voice messaging system and Custom Prompts. The Dialer app is basically a speed dial button on your employee's phone.
5 - Crew Clock-ins With the Supervisor's Mobile App
Your supervisors or crew leaders can clock in and clock out their team members with the supervisor's mobile app. Your supervisors ensure everyone gets on the clock when they should, and it solves the problem for the rare employees who don't have smartphones.
You should have a way for every employee to clock in. For help on other topics, check out our Help Center. Be sure to bookmark it!