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Supervisor App - Download & Navigation Guide (Videos)
Supervisor App - Download & Navigation Guide (Videos)

Training videos and written instructions on the Chronotek Pro supervisor mobile app - Teams, Jobs, Messages, Profile

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Written by CustomerCareTeam
Updated over 2 months ago

See the instructions below the videos if you would rather read instead of watching the videos.

Video: How to Download and Register the Chronotek Pro Mobile App

Get to the Chronotek Pro app store links from your browser:

Watch this video on downloading the app, completing your profile, and choosing the correct settings.

Video: How Supervisors Use the App

This next video explains how supervisors use the app to manage people on their teams.

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Instructions- How to Download and Register the Chronotek Pro Mobile App

Welcome to the Chronotek Pro app. This short video will walk you through the steps to download and register the app and make sure your settings are properly installed.

Use the QR code that was sent by email or go to from your phone's browser. Then, you can click on the correct App Store to follow the instructions and download the app.

Registration Process

Enter your 10-digit cell phone number followed by the six-digit activation code that is sent by text.

You can add a profile picture and your email address, or you can skip these pages and do this later under your profile section.

Location Tracking Consent & Settings

Agree to the Chronotek settings for voice services and SMS text messages, which are for supervisors only.

You'll follow a series of pop-ups for location settings. They're different depending on each phone model that is used. Ultimately. They must be set to always allow for Apple or allow all the time for Google. If your company requires location tracking, you will not be able to clock in unless these are set correctly.

The motion and fitness for Apple and physical activity for Google settings are essential for the GPS function to work.

Allow for Chronotek to send push notifications that will help you throughout your workday.

You're all set and ready to begin using the Chronotek Pro app.

Instructions: Supervisor App Overview

Welcome to the Chronotek Pro app.

This app was designed to help you manage your daily operations from the field.

Supervisor App Interface

When you land on the home screen, you'll see the supervisor app has two different screens: Team Jobs and My Work. My Work is your personal work. This lists your work schedules and time card history and is where you'll clock in for work.

Team Jobs Screen

We're going to focus on the Team jobs side of the app. This is the home base for supervisors in their daily operations. It's designed to help you manage the jobs and all the people that are on your teams.

A job is a combination of the customer's name and location, the name of the work being done, and the team and shift assigned to the job.

The people listed are assigned to the job for the day and are in order of their start time.

If your company does not use schedules or if no schedules are available for the day. The screen will be blank until people begin to clock in and out.

Job Tracking and Details

When people are on the clock, a green pill will show how much time they have worked so far. You can open the time card or schedule to see full details about the work.

Click on the right arrow to see details about the job.

The job details screen has the tools to manage the job. You can access the time card history for people who have worked the job as well as its future schedules.

TimeTiles™ Management

If your company uses TimeTiles™, this is where you manage all details of the tiles.

Add, activate or edit a TimeTiles™ from this screen. If a tile is activated, employees must scan the tile to clock in or out

Communication Features

Messages is a great way to keep you connected with your company and your teams so you can access all channels of your teams and job boards. You can send private messages and view company announcements.

You can communicate with people of all languages. Messages are translated to the recipient based on the communication setting in their personal profile.

As a supervisor, you can start a private message thread to members of your teams and to any Management in the company.

As a side note employees can only send a private message to team management and admins.

Profile and Team Management

Make sure to go to me and my profile and review your personal details. The communication setting is very important for you to see messages in your preferred language.

The Team screen lists the teams that you are associated with as a team manager or Team Observer. Click on the team name to see the list of members and management.

The job screen is a filter of all the jobs that you manage or observe. Use this as a shortcut to access a job if needed. My Jobs is a list of the jobs that you have personally worked or are scheduled to work.


From the home screen, the bell icon opens the notification screen. This activity feed lists all the notifications and alerts that you will receive for the people on your teams.

We hope this video has been helpful. The Chronotek Pro app is a great way to stay connected to all the members of your teams and to help keep your jobs on track.

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