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Ugh! Future Travel Time Is Putting My Job Over Budget

Did you know you can see future travel time in Chronotek Pro? You can see it and then adjust your schedules to eliminate it.

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Written by CustomerCareTeam
Updated over a week ago

You created a job budget, put your people on schedules, and had high hopes for lucrative profits. Then a few days into the ongoing job, you saw red. Red roses are beautiful, but red is an ugly color for profit numbers.

What happened?

You bid the job based on how long it takes to do the work, but you didn't account for how long it takes to drive to the job site. And according to the U.S. Department of Labor's website, โ€œTime spent traveling during normal work hours is considered compensable work time.โ€

Chronotek Pro uses your schedules and forecasts the future, including travel and overtime. When you see a red predicted profit number, look at the future travel column, and see if the travel beast is munching on your profits.

Then review the job schedules and adjust them to eliminate as much travel time as possible.

Total predicted profit shows losing money on a job due to forecasted, unplanned travel time

Save red for roses and keep your profits in the black by creating job budgets and schedules and adjusting as needed.

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