Ensure you have all the necessary documentation on your employees to avoid being caught by an auditor. Get notified when documents for an employee are missing or expired.
It sounds strange, but you can use Pro's Position, Skills, and Documents structure to keep up to date with onboarding, training, and expired licenses.
Set up for Positions, Skills, Documents
Settings > List Management >
Every person is assigned a Position - the title they have in the company. Employees may be called Guards, Janitors, Office Staff, etc.
+ Add a Position > let's call it Janitor
Every employee needs to be onboarded and submit certain documents: work application, signed company handbook, non-compete, W-4, I-9... you get the idea.
+ Add a Skill > Onboarded
Next - you would add all those document types we just mentioned. Any document can be specified as 'Required for the Skill,' 'Require attachment,' or 'Requires expiration date.'
+ Add Document
Associate everything as a Template for that Position
Use the linking component to associate the Janitor Position to the Onboarding Skill.
Then link the Documents for the Onboarding Skill - the handbook, non-compete, W-4, I-9, etc.
Let's look at how this works...
Johnny Rocket Example
We added Johnny Rocket as a new Janitor. The People screen shows the yellow system Indicator Tile saying there is 1 person with Documentation to Review.
It is Johnny, as we have yet to mark that he has the required documents associated with his onboarded skill as a janitor. Select the document row and click 'Add' to indicate that you have put that document on file.
Once all the Documents are marked as Added, mark the person has the Skill by selecting that row and changing the radio button to 'Has Skill.'
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