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This article walks you through the creation and management of a poll

Thomas Hernandez avatar
Written by Thomas Hernandez
Updated over a week ago

With polls, you can quickly get a pulse answer from your teammates.

Creating a poll

Polls are blocks attached to comments, either in threads or replies.

To add a poll:

  1. Create a comment or reply.

  2. Click on the Add poll button at the bottom of the comment tile.

  3. Type your question.

  4. Fill in the options for answers.

  5. Click on Send when you’re done.

  6. The poll appears at the bottom of the comment tile.

💡 You can modify a poll as long as no answers have been given.

Collaborating in a poll

Voting for a poll

To vote in a poll, simply click on one of the poll options. This displays the share of votes for each option.

Editing a vote

To edit a vote, click on the Edit vote button at the bottom of the comment.

Monitoring results

To track votes from your team and its distribution, click on the X votes button at the bottom of the poll.

💡Claap doesn’t support anonymous votes at this stage.

Deleting a poll

To delete a poll:

  1. Click on the ••• button on the top right corner of the comment.

  2. Click on Edit to edit the comment.

  3. Click on the ❌ to remove the poll from the comment.

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