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Public vs Private channels

There are different ways to share channels with teammates in your workspace.

Thomas Hernandez avatar
Written by Thomas Hernandez
Updated over a week ago

Public channels

A public channel is shared with all members of your workspace. By default, all newly added channels are in public mode. Because of cascading rights, all claaps that belong to a public channel are also public by default. If you wish to make a claap private, you first need to turn the channel private as well.

Share channels with workspace members

To make a channel public to your entire workspace:

  1. Go to the Share popin

  2. Turn on Full access for Everyone at [workspace] with the dropdown.

Share channels with specific people

The second option consists in sharing the channel with specific people, with email invites. To invite a member or a guest to a channel with email invite:

  1. Click on the Share button at the top right of the channel

  2. Type or copy-paste user email in the Invite teammates field and click on the Invite button.

Private channels

Turning a channel private is only available on our Team and Enterprise plans.

Only you and topic members will be able to access private channels. To make a channel private, simply go to the Share settings for that channel and select No access for Anyone with the link in the dropdown.

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