All online teacher PD courses on ClassCover Learn are created in line with the AITSL Australian Professional Standards for Teachers and are relevant for all states and territories.
Here’s what you need to know for teachers in different regions:
Teachers in NSW: We have NESA accredited courses available.
Teachers in the ACT: We have TQI accredited courses available.
Teachers in other states and territories (excluding ACT and NSW): It is your responsibility to keep a record of your course participation, either by maintaining an offline log or uploading the information to your relevant teacher registration body’s system.
Requirements vary by state, so it's a good idea to check with your local teacher registration body to understand their specific guidelines.
For teachers in NSW and the ACT, ClassCover Learn has courses accredited for your state (NESA and TQI). For NESA and TQI accredited courses, the team at ClassCover Learn log these hours for you.
For teachers in other states, NESA and TQI courses are still relevant to you - simply keep a log of your hours as per your state's specific instructions.