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By setting up a Geofence, you'll be able to better manage who can register and utilize your services. Learn more here!

Rafael avatar
Written by Rafael
Updated over 11 months ago

Creating a Geofence gives you more control over who can sign up and access your services. Using this tool can help you to save time and resources navigating customers who fall outside of your service areas.

Creating a Geofence

Please follow the steps below to create a Geofence:

  1. Go to Settings > Admin > Pickup and Delivery and select “Routes”.

  2. To add a route, click on the “Add Route” button where you will then need to input a name for the route. After you have inputted a name for this new route, you will need to then click on the “Edit” button to create a route area. If you wish to edit the geofence of a route that already exists, just click on the “Edit' button.

  3. A pop-up window will then appear, allowing you to create the area in which your pickup and deliveries will take place. If you already have some routes set up, these will also appear on the map. This is to ensure that you don't overlap any routes.

  4. Always ensure all start points and the endpoints are connected, once you finish, you can then select “Save GeoFence to Route”.

Note: Our new feature allows you to create a Geofence for your pickup and delivery routes, by simply adding in the Zip codes. See how it works here.

Restrict Signups to Your GeoFences

To enable Customers to be within your GeoFence you must enable the appropriate GeoFence option from Settings > Admin > Pickup and Delivery > Address Options.

You will have different options next to “Assign Customers to Route on Signup”.

You can have the customer automatically assigned to a route in accordance with their location—by selecting the option “Automatically assign the customer to route based on geofence”, or you can have the customer choose a route themselves and their address will be checked against the GeoFence—by selecting the option “Let customer chose route when they sign up”.

You can specify geographical regions for each Route that you run with your pickup and delivery service. This will prevent customers from signing up for your service or to the wrong route if you do not cover their address.

👉 If you'd like to learn more about how to create and edit a route for your business, please click here to read our article on the topic. It will help you and your business to make the most out of your Pickup & Delivery settings.

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