After reading this article you will be able to...
Bulk Email Users
Bulk Comment
Bulk Pause Rotations
Bulk Extend Onboarding Deadline
Bulk Change Dates
Bulk Close Rotations
Bulk Reopen Rotations
Bulk Email Users
You can now take action on all rotations on your standard rotation list, or a saved view you've created.
To email a group of users based on your filtered criteria:
Select a saved view, or add a filter, and click the actions button
Then click Email users:
You can select the users you'd like to email and create a personalized message using the templated options in brackets:
Bulk Comment
To add a comment to group of rotations based on your filtered criteria:
Select a saved view, or add a filter, and click the actions button
Then click Add a comment:
Enter a comment and click Add comment
Bulk Pause Rotations
To pause a group of rotations based on your filtered criteria:
Select a saved view, or add a filter, and click the actions button
Then click Pause rotations:
Enter a reason and click Pause rotations
Bulk Extend Onboarding Deadline
To pause a group of rotations based on your filtered criteria:
Select a saved view, or add a filter, and click the actions button
Then click Extend onboarding deadline:
Enter the number of days for the extension and click Extend onboarding deadline
Bulk Change Dates
To change the dates on a group of rotations based on your filtered criteria:
Select a saved view, or add a filter, and click the actions button
Then click Change dates:
Enter the new start and end date, then click Change dates
Bulk Close Rotations
To close a group of rotations based on your filtered criteria:
Select a saved view, or add a filter, and click the actions button
Then click Close rotations:
Enter a reason and click Close rotations
Bulk Reopen Rotations
To reopen a group of rotations based on your filtered criteria:
Select a saved view, or add a filter, and click the actions button
Then click Reopen rotations:
Optionally enter onboarding deadline extensions and click Reopen rotations
Have more questions? Please reach out by clicking the chat icon in the bottom right corner of your screen from 8am-6pm CT, Mon-Fri.