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Agreement Expiration Reminder
Agreement Expiration Reminder

Clinical Site: Set a Reminder Before Agreements Expire

Kate Mattison avatar
Written by Kate Mattison
Updated over a week ago

If an agreement has an end date, you can set a reminder to notify you a certain number of days prior to expiration.

After reading this article you will be able to...

  • Create an Automatic Reminder for a New Agreement

  • Create an Automatic Reminder for an Existing Agreement

Create an Automatic Reminder for a New Agreement

  • Click Settings

  • Then, click Agreement from the submenu

  • Click +Add agreement

  • Set the preferred number of days prior to expiration for reminder notifications by clicking +Add expiration reminder:

Create an Automatic Reminder for an Existing Agreement

  • Find the existing agreement in Settings

  • Set the number of days prior to expiration you prefer to be notified

  • Propose changes

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