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ACM Urgent notifications

Learn about Automated Care Mesagings Urgent app which sends targeted messages to residents, family members, staff and other stakeholders

Kristi Aruja avatar
Written by Kristi Aruja
Updated over a week ago

What is the Urgent Mass Notification service?

Keep resident families, staff, and other stakeholders apprised of outbreaks, emergency information, and important facility policy changes. This service allows care teams to initiate one-to-many mass notifications to target resident contacts of a specific unit and/or facility.

Messages can be sent using a pre-built template or composed on the fly. Using resident family contact information already stored in your EHR, messages are sent to resident families, and staff on your outreach list, via voice, text, or email (according to set facility/user preferences). This service allows recipients to confirm receipt of the message (or request a callback if configured as such). ACM provides detailed reports outlining all communications made and their outcomes.

All messages sent via this service are driven by using the ACM web application which can be accessed by logging in here.

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