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Templates for emergencies (Staff)

Get your staff the important information they need quickly, while also keeping compliant with regulations

Kristi Aruja avatar
Written by Kristi Aruja
Updated over a week ago

Facility Lockdown

FACILITYNAME is currently in lockdown. All staff currently on shift will remain on until the lockdown is over. No new staff can enter or begin their shift at this time. Please follow emergency protocols as practiced. Please do not contact us at this time so we can focus on our residents. We will communicate updates, when appropriate, via notifications.

Thank you,


Impacted by Severe Weather

Hi team,

If the recent severe weather has impacted your ability to come into work for your shift, please contact your Manager as soon as you can. Conversely, if you are not on the schedule, but are able to safely come in, let your Manager know as soon as possible.

Thank you and stay safe!


OSHA Temporary Emergency Standard - Close contact if not wearing PPE


We have been notified that an individual who was present in our workplace on [MM/DD/YYYY] has been diagnosed with COVID-19. This is to inform you that you had close contact with the individual while not wearing a respirator or other PPE.

If you experience symptoms of COVID-19, such as fever, chills, cough, difficulty breathing, new loss of taste or smell, or other symptoms, please contact [NAME] as soon as possible.

  • You may continue to work if you have been fully vaccinated and are not experience symptoms.

  • You may continue to work if you have within the past three months had and recovered from COVID-19.

  • To get tested, please contact [NAME] as soon as possible. You may not return to work until 7days following exposure if you test negative at least 5 days after the exposure.

  • If you choose not to get tested, you may not return to work for 14 days from the exposure

Thank you for your cooperation and reach out if you have any questions.



OSHA Temporary Emergency Standard - Close contact in a well-defined workplace


We have been notified that an individual who was present in our workplace on [MM/DD/YYYY] has been diagnosed with COVID-19. We are separately notifying people who appear to have had close contact with the individual, but we want to alert everyone working in the same well-defined portion of the workplace to the possibility of exposure.

If you experience symptoms of COVID-19, such as fever, chills, cough, difficulty breathing, new loss of taste or smell, or other symptoms, please contact [NAME] and consider consulting with your healthcare provider about COVID-19 testing. As always, FACILITNAME will protect all employee medical information.



OSHA Temporary Emergency Standard - Notification to other employers of close contact


We have been notified that an individual who was present in our workplace on [MM/DD/YYYY] and in [LOCATION] has been diagnosed with COVID-19 and came into close contact with [NUMBER] of your employees. They are:





We are notifying our employees who appear to have had close contact with the individual and encourage you to do the same.

If you have any questions or require any further information please contact [NAME] at [PHONE/EMAIL].



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