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Moderated Messages

Review user messages prior to sending and accept, edit or reject content.

Kristi Aruja avatar
Written by Kristi Aruja
Updated over a week ago

Get more colleagues using ACM while being secure in the knowledge that messages will not be sent without approval.

Users with Message Review “ON” will have their messages go to an Admin to approve, edit or reject a message before it is sent.

For moderated users | To submit a message for review:

  • Open a template or create a new message

  • Filter your audience as desired

  • When your message is complete hit Submit

  • A pop-up will appear letting the user know the message will be submitted for review

  • Hit Submit

  • A pop-up will let you know your message has been submitted for review

Review requests will go to corresponding Facility Admins, if there are no Facility Admins, it will go to an Organizational Admin.

For Moderators | To review and approve, edit or reject a message:

  • Approvers will receive an email each time a message is submitted for review.

  • Log in to ACM and navigate to the Main Menu

  • Click Pending Jobs

  • Click on the requested job in the Msg column

  • A pop-up with the message will appear

  • Review the message and Approve, Edit or Reject

If Approve: the message is sent.

If Edit: The message is opened for changes to be made. Make the changes and hit Approve.

If Reject: Simply reject the message or provide a reason for the rejection. The message will be removed from the Pending Jobs page.

Whether a message is approved, edited or rejected, the review requester will receive an email with the outcome

To control who can moderate, or who can provide moderation

  • Navigate to the Main Menu

  • User Management > Privileges

  • Approve Messages allows a user to approve/edit/reject messages

  • Assign Message Review enables users to determine whether another user’s messages require review, but doesn’t provide review access.

To enable moderation

  • Navigate to the Main Menu

  • User Management > Users

  • In the Message Review column, select On. All future messages created by this user will now require moderation.

Note: If a message has been scheduled but has not been reviewed by its scheduled date and time, it will not be sent until approved.

Note: All users with permission to Approve Messages will receive a notification when a message requires review. We recommend limiting Approval privileges to one or two users.

When could I use Moderated Messages?


Example Use Cases

ACM and Staff Add-on

· Any

· Increased non-clinical communication including newsletters, special events, leisure activities, meal plans, administrative/operational updates, etc.

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