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Message Exchange (Text Response)

Send a message and request a response back.

Kristi Aruja avatar
Written by Kristi Aruja
Updated over a week ago

Send a message and request a response back. A dialogue thread is created allowing the sender and receiver to have sustained conversation until the original sender from your organization has determined the dialogue is over.

To send a message and request a response:

  • Open a template or create a new message

  • Filter your audience as desired

  • From the Message Type dropdown, select Text Response

  • Send your message.

To view the response:

  • Navigate to the Main Menu

  • Click Sent Jobs

  • Click Job Info of the desired message. You can see which messages have a text response under the Message Type column

  • Each recipient and their response will be listed

  • Click on the text in the Answered column to expand the full response

  • If further follow-up is required, Close the pop-up, and select the check box next to the desired recipient(s)

  • Click Send Message in the top right corner

  • From the dropdown, select a template or create a new message

  • Write a message as normal. You can continue with another Text Response, or choose another Message Type

Each new message will be logged separately in the Sent Jobs panel.

Note: Message Exchange works in all modalities (email, text and voice). The response will be captured for all three.

Note: Currently, senders need to manually check in Sent Jobs for responses and follow-ups. Notifications of responses are a coming enhancement.

Note: Currently, message recipients cannot include attachments if they are responding via email.

When could I use Message Exchange?


Example Use Cases

ACM and Staff Add-on

Resident and Staff updates

·Internal and external appointments where a change has been made or feedback is required on the care plan, medication, diet, social or therapy services

· Resident intake and discharge where the care team and families require dialogue to execute plans effectively.

Staff Add-on

Staff scheduling

· Announcing shifts and receiving responses/confirming staff shift assignments

Staff training and certification

· Enable staff to provide updates, responses or timelines on required training or certification

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