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Metrics (and Custom Metrics)

Leveraging both financial and non-financial data to build metrics and dashboards tailored to your business

Fady Hawatmeh avatar
Written by Fady Hawatmeh
Updated over a week ago

Clockwork offers default metrics available in Clockwork out-of-the-box. To access this click "Metrics" in the navigation bar. From there you are can see default metrics, and you are able to create custom metrics that can leverage financial and non-financial data to give you tailored insights into your business performance.

You can edit the layout of your metrics (default and custom) by clicking the "Edit Metrics" button at the top of your screen (this also allows you to edit your custom metrics)

Note: The ability to build custom metrics is only available to Admin and Employee users on Free Trials or Pro Plans

Organizing Your Metrics Dashboard

Now that you’ve created your metric, it will show up at the bottom of your metrics screen. While you’re in ‘Edit Metrics’ mode, each metric tile will show the options to:

1. ‘Hide’ - this will make it so they don’t show up on your dashboard

2. ‘Drag to move’ - this will allow you to organize your dashboard

3. ‘Edit’ - this only shows on Custom Metrics and will allow you to change the name, unit, or formula associated with your Custom Metric

The main goal is to remove and re-organize so you don't have distractions from what metrics matter most to your business!

Creating Custom Metrics:

Once you've clicked "+ Add a Custom Metric", you’ll name your custom metric something unique at the top of the tile and choose the unit type from the top-right drop-down (#,$,%). Now, you’re ready to use the formula builder to create your custom metric.

To get started with building your custom metrics, click the "+ Add Custom Metric" button.

Dream big! You can use your financial data in Clockwork, default metrics, and custom variables (non-financial data - e.g. number of users, number of employees, number of leads, conversion rates, etc.) to weave variables together with arithmetic symbols (+, -, /, x) and get a comprehensive look at your business's performance.

There are 3 ways to add variables to your formula:

  1. Search underneath ‘Select Variables’

  2. Click the drop downs (Profit & Loss, Balance Sheet, Cash Flow, or Custom Variables) to scroll through your options.

  3. Type your desired variable into the formula builder

  4. Click "Save" when you're finished and reach to check out your new Custom Metric

Need help? Reach out to our support chat in the bottom right of your screen any time you have questions!

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