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Quickstart Guide for Integrating Cody with Discord

Written by Om Kamath
Updated over a week ago
  1. To invite the bot to your server, use this link, or you can visit the integrations section in Cody Settings.

  2. Sign in to your Discord account.

  3. Select the server where you want to add the Cody bot.

  4. Set the API Key by using the /set-cody-token command in any text channel. The Cody Token can be set by the server administrators only. If you need assistance in obtaining the API Key, refer to this article.

  5. Assign a bot to a text channel by using the /assign-bot command. You can use this command for different channels to set different bots for each channel.

  6. To ask questions to your bot, simply type @Cody followed by your question. Cody will create a new thread in the channel to reply to your question. All the messages in that thread will be considered as Chat History. If you want to start a new conversation, exit the thread and mention @Cody again.

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