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Navigating and Utilizing the Supply Chain Metrics Filters
Navigating and Utilizing the Supply Chain Metrics Filters

This article will provide an in-depth explanation of the available Supply Chain Metrics filters, features, and how to use them effectively.

Updated over a week ago

The Supply Chain Metrics feature offers a range of powerful filters and notification tools to help you improve your supply chain data and analyze specific aspects of contractor performance.

Organization Filter Options

Access the Supply Chain Metrics page in your Cognisense account.

Click on the Organizations tab.

Locate the filter options on the page, found above the main data table.

Choose from the following filter options:

Sharing Status: Filter organizations based on whether they are actively sharing data or not.

Star Rating: Filter organizations based on their achieved star rating.

Select the desired filter criteria and click "Apply" to refine the displayed data.

The filtered results will allow you to identify organizations that meet specific criteria for targeted communication and intervention.

Downloading the Excel Report for Custom Analysis

You can export the supply chain data as an Excel spreadsheet for integration with other data sources and systems for deeper analysis.

  • Click on the download button located near the top of the Organizations tab of the Supply Chain Metrics page to initiate the download.

  • Once the download is complete, you can open the Xlsx file to access a comprehensive spreadsheet listing all organizations and their relevant information.

  • Utilize the downloaded data for further analysis, reporting, or integration with other systems as needed.

Creating an Email Template to Notify Organizations

The Supply Chain Metrics page allows you to generate customized email templates based on the filters you've applied.

After applying your desired filters, look for the email button. Click on the email button to open the email template creation interface.

The system will automatically populate the email template with relevant information based on your filtered results.

Customize the email template as needed, including the subject line, body text, and any additional information you wish to include.

Clicking the copy icon next to each field will copy it to your clipboard.

Clicking “Use Email Program” will open up your default email program and prefill the recipient, subject, and email body with the information from the email template.

By leveraging these filtering and communication tools, you can efficiently manage your supply chain, identify areas for improvement, and drive overall supply chain performance. Regularly utilize these features to stay proactive in your contractor management approach and foster strong, data-driven relationships with your supply chain partners.

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