These actions can only be performed by admin and prequalification users.
Attaching Workflow Attachments
Navigate to Qualification Management:
Select the menu tab and click on Qualification Management.
2. Locate the Subcontractor:
Find the subcontractor in the Qualification Requests table.
3. Click the dropdown icon at the end of the subcontractor's row to view additional options.
Tip: For more details about the dropdown menu, refer to the Intercom article:
4. Upload an Attachment:
In the dropdown menu, select View Attachments. A flyout will appear.
You can upload a file using one of two methods:
Drag and drop the file into the purple outlined box.
Click the purple upload arrow, and select a file from your computer.
Once the file is uploaded, a green message will appear in the top-right corner of the page, confirming: File Uploaded Successfully.
Viewing, Downloading, and Deleting Attachments
View Attachments:
Attachments can be accessed through the same View Attachments flyout.
Download an Attachment:
Hover over the uploaded file to reveal two light gray options.
Click the download arrow. The file will begin downloading automatically.
Delete an Attachment:
Hover over the file and click the X icon. A confirmation prompt will appear.
Select Delete to remove the file, or choose Cancel to undo the action.
Accessing Workflow Attachments Through the Details label
1. Navigate to Qualification Management:
Select the menu tab and click on Qualification Management.
2. Locate the Subcontractor:
Find the subcontractor in the Qualification Requests table.
Hover between the company name and projects column, and click on the Details label when it appears.
3. Upload Attachments:
A flyout will open. On the right-hand side, click the paperclip icon.
Follow the same steps to upload, view, or manage attachments as described above.
By following these instructions, you can efficiently manage workflow attachments for subcontractors within the Qualification Requests table.