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Qualification Management

Qualification Management is accessible from the menu bar and provides users with tools to effectively manage subcontractor qualification invitations through the Qualification Requests table.

Written by Martin Aronshtam
Updated over 2 months ago

Key capabilities include:

  • Monitoring registration progress.

  • Tracking 1Form submissions.

  • Monitoring authorizations requests.

  • Viewing QScores and custom analytics.

  • Assessing Completeness and Metrics gauges.

  • Tracking assigned qualification workflows.

  • Requesting additional information.

  • Assigning qualifications.

Accessing Qualification Management

Upon logging in, users are automatically directed to the Qualification Management screen. To return to this screen at any point, select the Qualification Management tab from the menu bar.

Qualification Requests Table

The Qualification Requests table provides a comprehensive view of all active qualification invitations sent to subcontractors. Users can easily refine the displayed list of subcontractors by using the filter bar above the table.

Users can quickly invite subcontractors to qualify directly from the Qualification Requests table. This can be done by clicking the Invite to Qualify button for individual invitations or uploading a CSV file for bulk invitations.

For more information on inviting subcontractors to qualify click the link: Inviting a Subcontractor to Qualify | Bespoke Metrics Help Center

Qualification Requests Table Filters

The Qualification Requests table includes tools for locating and refining subcontractor invitations:

  • Search: Use the search bar to quickly locate subcontractors by typing their name.

Filter Options

Choose from ten filter categories, including:

  • Country: This filter provides a dropdown menu of countries. Users can narrow the list by selecting checkboxes for specific regions, displaying only subcontractors located in those areas.

  • Project: This filter provides a dropdown menu of your company’s projects. Users can narrow the list by selecting specific project names or numbers, displaying only subcontractors associated with the chosen projects.

For more details on the how to create a project, refer to this article: Creating a Project Approval Request | Bespoke Metrics Help Center

  • Q Score: This filter provides a dropdown menu with three Q Score ranges and an "N/A" option (not assigned). Users can refine the list by selecting the desired Q Score range, displaying only subcontractors that match the chosen criteria.

For more detailed information, refer to this article:

  • Tags: A search bar and dropdown list allow users to filter by specific, user-created tags. These tags remain attached to the subcontractor’s profile, even if they are assigned a qualification status or are removed from a qualification request table.

  • COMPASS: Users can filter by one or more COMPASS statuses, including In Progress, Completed, On Hold, and Escalated.

  • Review Stage: Selecting this filter opens a dropdown menu with three review stages—COMPASS, Changes Required, and In Review. Users can filter subcontractors by one or more stages by checking the box next to each desired stage, displaying only subcontractors in those selected stages.

  • Requestor: Selecting this filter opens a search bar that allows users to filter subcontractors by the requestor—the user who sent the qualification invite to a specific subcontractor.

  • Reason: Selecting this filter opens a dropdown menu with six options: GC Invited, Auto Renewal, Analytics, COMPASS Suggested, Referral Link, and Sub Requested. Users can filter subcontractors by checking the box next to one or more reasons, displaying only those subcontractors associated with the selected reasons.

  • Trades: This filter includes a search bar that allows users to filter subcontractors based on their primary and secondary trades.

    The trade list is organized according to MasterFormat 2016. During registration for COMPASS, subcontractors designate up to five top-level primary trades and specify secondary trades within each category.

  • Requires My Review: Selecting this filter shows only subcontractors that need the user's review as part of a company qualification workflow. It displays subcontractors at the stage where the user’s review is required, helping reviewers focus on their assigned tasks.

Clear All: To return to an unfiltered view select Clear All.

Save as New View: After applying filters, the Qualification Management page will reload based on the selected criteria. Users can choose Save as New View to save the filtered results as a new view. These saved views can be accessed by selecting the dropdown menu in the Qualification Request tab.

Qualification Requests Table Columns

The Qualification Requests Table contains twelve columns six of which are sortable.

The columns include the following:

Company Name: This column lists subcontractors that have been invited to qualify by company name. A company name in purple indicates the subcontractor has registered for COMPASS, while a name in black signifies they have not. Users can also click the sortable arrows to arrange the company names in alphabetical order.

Details: Hovering over the Company Name will display a Details label. Clicking this label opens a flyout on the right side, showing additional information about the invitation and subcontractor. For more information:

Projects: Once a project is assigned to a specific subcontractor it will be displayed within this column. For more information as to how to create a project: Creating a Project Approval Request | Bespoke Metrics Help Center

Tags: Once a user-created tag is created it will appear within this column. Users can use the light grey search bar to create a new tag or locate an existing one. For more information:

COMPASS: The COMPASS column displays four key statuses: In Progress, Completed, Escalated, and On Hold. These statuses track the progress of the COMPASS team in assisting subcontractors through the registration process, 1Form Submission and Authorization. For more information:

Current Submission Date: This column indicates when the subcontractor submitted their 1Form. By selecting the sortable arrow, users can organize the dates by Newest or Oldest. For more detailed information on a subcontractor's 1Form submission, users can access the subcontractor's profile under MORE > Documents, where all previous submissions are listed. Note: If "new submission in progress" is displayed, it means the subcontractor is editing their submission or working on a new one.

Q Score: This column displays the Q Score assigned to each subcontractor. Selecting the sortable arrows allows the Q Score to be arranged from Strongest (1.0) to Weakest (7.9). For more information:

Completeness Bus Fin H&S: This column provides insights into the subcontractor’s 1Form submission, indicating whether critical information from Business, Finance, or Health & Safety is missing. Users can hover over the gauge to see which information is missing/expired. For more detailed information on these gauges:

Metrics Bus Fin H&S: This column provides insight into the subcontractor’s 1Form submission, showing whether critical information from Business, Finance, and Health & Safety is above or below a defined parameters. Users can hover over the gauge to see which metric is either above or below the defined parameters. For more information on these gauges and how they are calculated:

Review Stage: This column shows the status of a subcontractor's submission, indicating whether it's still being completed, ready for review, or requires further review before assigning a qualification or starting a company qualification flow. The four review stages are: COMPASS, Changes Required, In Review, and Canceled. Users can click the sortable arrows to view subcontractors based on these stages.

Flow Stage: This column shows the company qualification flow assigned to each subcontractor. Different flows can be applied based on the GC’s specific criteria. User initials are displayed to indicate the current stage of the workflow. For more information on company qualification flows:

Requested On: This column provides insight as to when a qualification invitation was sent to a subcontractor. Selecting the sortable arrows allows the user to view the date requested by Oldest to Newest.

Reason: This column indicates how a subcontractor was added to the qualification requests table. The six options are: GC Invited, Auto Renewal, Analytics, COMPASS Suggested, Referral Link, and Sub Requested. For more information:

Additional Options

Click the Dropdown Icon at the end of the subcontractor row to reveal several options.

Note: The dropdown list will provide more options for registered COMPASS subcontractors than unregistered subcontractors.

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Click the Dropdown Icon to view the available options. For more information on the specific actions listed in the dropdown, click the links below, which will direct you to the relevant articles:

Resend Invite: How to Resend Invite

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