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Using School Settings

Learn about the School Settings page, where you can edit Academic Years, Manage Classes, Teachers, & Pupils, and more.

Written by Oumie Camara
Updated over a year ago

What is in the School Settings tab?

On the School Settings page you are able to edit & build academic years, as well as managing teacher, class & pupil details for your account. The School Settings page can be accessed by any user with the School Admin permission (more on user permissions here.)

With this permission, you can find the School Settings page by clicking your name in the top-menu of the platform.

On this page you will find these options:

• Edit Academic Year – Modify the set up for an existing Academic Year, past, present, or future. You can change: the half term dates, the timetable layout including active days and number of periods, your teacher and class details, and importantly the individual teacher timetables.

• New Academic Year – Build a new academic year, populating it with the appropriate new half term dates, timetable layout, classes, and individual teacher timetables. Recently received next year's timetables? Head over here to set them up on Complete Maths.

• Manage Teachers – Add new teachers, and edit existing teacher details, including their username. You can modify user permissions, send the initial 'Welcome / Login' email, as well as password reset emails. Plus you can login as each teacher user too.

• Manage Pupils – View and manage the full list of pupils in your Complete Maths account, searching and filtering the table to find the desired pupils. Bulk add new pupils, move existing pupils between classes, and promote them into their new classes in the next academic year. Edit pupil details, and access their platform login credentials.

• Manage Classes – Create new classes and edit existing ones in each of your academic years, and assign them to your teachers.


Enable Conversations – Allow the 'conversation' or 'discussion' functionality, where teachers and pupils can feedback on resources assigned as classwork or homework in a lesson plan.

Show Curriculum for Excellence – Built for Complete Maths users following the Scottish CfE, toggle this on to add the full CfE to your curriculum view, beside Units and Groups. Easily incorporate this pathway into your lesson planning.

Any questions about the settings in CLASSROOM? Not sure where to find something?

You can get in contact with our Customer Success Team via email at:

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