We have a few different reports that you can pull on your credit usage.
Only a System Administrator has access to this report. Administrators can track their individual credit usage via the Activity Dashboard/Audit Trail.
Select Credits.
Select Credit Usage.
The graphs at the top of the screen will show you the credit usage the past week and the past month.
There are a few reports that you can generate spreadsheets showing the credit usage.
Summary. This report will give you a general overview of the credit usage during the selected time period.
By User. This report will give you a breakdown of how many credits were used on each of your individual users usage during the selected time period.
By Admin. This report will give you a breakdown of how many credits were used by each of your individual Administrators during the selected time period.
There are a few different options to customize your report. You can select a date range, use tags to filter out users and choose which products to include in our report.
Once you have everything set, select Generate Report. You will be emailed a link when the report is ready.