Credit delegation is a feature that allows organizations to manage credits effectively. By default, organizations have credit delegation disabled, which means that all administrators in the organization can use all the credits purchased by the organization. For some organizations, this works well, but for others, it can be problematic.
Enabling credit delegation for a specific administrator account creates an individual pool of credits for that administrator, limiting their use and guaranteeing that only they can use the delegated credits.
To enable Credit Delegation for a specific Administrator, select View Accounts.
Select "Administrators" for the account type.
Search for the name or email of the person or find their name in the list and select their name in the list below.
Find the section called Credit Delegation. Select the Enable credit delegation link to enable credit delegation.
By default, the Administrator will have 0 credits. If you leave it at 0, the Administrator will be allowed to manage accounts, but not assign anything that requires credits. Select Add credit to add some credits to this account.
A dialog will appear. Type in the number of credits and select Done.
The credits are not applied to the account. You can now withdraw credits if needed. If you disable credit delegation, the leftover credits will be returned to the overall pool of credits that everyone can use.