This article explains how to make an assignment for one individual user at a time. If you want to make the same assignment to multiple users at the same time learn how to use the mass assign feature.
Step 1 of 4: Make sure the user who you want to make an assignment for has an account created
If the user's account has not been created, you can learn how to create a user account and once the account is created it will automatically take you to the assignment screen (skip to Step 3)
If the user's account has already been created, continue with Step 2.
Step 2 of 4: Select the user's account that you want to make the assignment for
Step 3 of 4: Learn about the assignments Conover Online offers.
Watch the video below for how to make a custom assignment or learn how to use a Preset Assignment
Step 4 of 4: Finish making the assignment
Select the program in the list below that you are making the assignment for to see how to complete the process:
Career Exploration and Assessment:
Emotional Intelligence:
Independent Living and Life Skills
Assigning MECA
Assigning Emotional Intelligence programs
Note: All of our Social and Emotional Learning programs follow the general same process when making an assignment. The following video highlights our Workplace Readiness program, but the other EQ programs work the same (Success Profiler, Personal Responsibility, Anxiety Management, Anger Management, Bullying Prevention, and Winning Colors).
Functional Skills