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How do I buy $DAG on KuCoin?
How do I buy $DAG on KuCoin?

How to purchase $DAG on KuCoin?

Written by Duc Trung Luu
Updated over a week ago

KuCoin is a quick and easy trading platform that lets you buy $DAG using your Visa/Mastercard or existing crypto that you may already own.

If you don’t already have a KuCoin account:

  1. Go to to set up your trading account.

    1. Register for a KuCoin account using your email address. This is a quick process that takes just 2-3 minutes.

  2. Click on the Sign Up button in the top right hand corner and you will be taken to the following page. Please go through the steps as indicated below:

    1. Enter an email address.

    2. Click the “Send Code” button. You will receive a code in your email inbox.

    3. Enter the email code into the “Email verification code” field.

    4. Set your password

    5. Read and agree to the Terms of Use.

    6. Click the “Sign Up” button.

  3. Once you successfully sign-up, you will be greeted with this message:

However, before continuing, you must complete the security settings for your account.

  1. Complete the security settings for your account.

    To do this:
    1. Go to your KuCoin account page (
    2. Select ‘Security Settings’
    3. From here, you will need to configure:

    A. Google Verification
    B. Trading Password
    C. Email Security Phrase

4. Once you have completed your security settings, you need to Buy Crypto.

There are 2 options:

Option 1: Buy Crypto with your Visa/Mastercard → Select ‘I don’t have digital assets’

Option 2: Deposit funds from another exchange or in a different wallet → Select ‘I have digital assets’

Option 1:

Click ‘Buy Crypto’ in the top left corner and select ‘Credit or Debit.’

You will then be taken to a page as per the screenshot below where you will be able to select the crypto token you want to purchase and the amount and currency that you want to spend from your credit or debit card. You will also need to select your preferred payment method and payment channel.

For the purpose of purchasing $DAG on KuCoin, you will need to select either Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH) or USDT.

Once you have completed your order, proceed to step 5.

Option 2:

You can purchase $DAG by depositing any existing BTC, ETH or USDT that you may already have on another exchange or in your private wallet.

From your logged in KuCoin account, hover over the Assets button in the top right hand corner and click on the Main Account (Deposits/Withdraw) dropdown option.

Click on the Deposit link in the top centre of the screen.

Select either BTC, ETH or USDT. From here you can copy your deposit address by clicking on the copy icon to the right of the deposit address.

After you have successfully deposited funds, you’ll receive a notification in your email inbox. Your “Main Account” page will also show you if your tokens have arrived.

Your “Deposit History” - at the bottom of the “Deposit” page - will contain all the details of your transaction

You’re now ready to buy $DAG by creating a trade on KuCoin!

  1. Now it is time to use the deposited funds to create a $DAG trade. To create a $DAG trade, you’ll first need to transfer funds from your Main Account into your Trading Account.

    1. Click on ‘Trading Account’

    2. Search for the token that you just deposited into your Main Account and click on “Transfer” in the far right hand side of the screen.

    3. A “Transfer” pop-up window should then appear. Click on the available amount to transfer the entire amount.

    4. Click ‘Confirm’

  2. Hover over the ‘Trade’ dropdown link in the top left hand corner and click on ‘Spot Trading’

    $DAG has three trading meaning that you can purchase $DAG with either BTC, ETH or USDT.

    1. In the “Spot Trading” page, click on the dropdown icon opposite the BTC/USDT trading pair in the top left hand side of the screen.

    2. Click on the trading pair that you would like to make your trade in.
      For example, if you have USDT in your Trading Account on Kucoin, select the DAG/USDT option.

    3. In the bottom right hand corner, input your 6-Digit Trading Password which you set when you completed your Security Settings.

      KuCoin offers four different types of orders, but for the purpose of simplicity this guide will only cover the two most common order types: “Limit” and “Market" orders.

      Limit Order: An order placed to buy or sell a specific quantity of assets at a specific limit price. This involves setting the ideal commission price and quantity.

      For example, if the current market price for DAG is 0.057 USDT and you plan to buy 100 DAG when the price drops to 0.055 USDT, you can place the order as a limit order.

Market Order: An order placed to buy or sell a specified quantity/amount of assets at the best available price in the current market.

For example, if the current market price for DAG is 0.056 USDT and you plan to buy a 100 USDT worth of $DAG without setting prices, you can place the order as a market order.

Market orders will be completed immediately, which is the best way to buy or sell quickly.

Placing a Limit Order:

  1. Select “Limit Order” on the trade portal/interface.

  2. Enter 0.055 USDT in the Price text field.

  3. Enter 100 DAG in the Amount text field.

  4. Click “Buy DAG” to place the order.

The Limit order will be filled if/when the price reaches 0.055 USDT

You can check the status of your order under the “Open Orders” tab on the left hand side of the screen. And if your order has been filled - i.e., the $DAG price dropped down to 0.055 - you can see it under the “Order History” tab on the left hand side of the screen.

If you want to cancel an order, you can do so by clicking on the green “Cancel” button in the far right hand side of the “Open Orders” tab.

Placing a Market Order:

  1. Select “Market Order” on the trade portal/interface

  2. Enter 100 USDT in the Amount text field

  3. Click “Buy DAG” to place the order.

You can check your order history under the Order History tab on the left hand side of the screen. For a more detailed walkthrough on the different order types, please check out the official KuCoin Spot Trade guide.

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