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Stargazer Wallet
Questions regarding the Stargazer Wallet
I already have a password for my Stargazer Chrome wallet. Why do I need to create another one for Stargazer mobile?
Where can I store my $DAG?
How do I copy my wallet address on the iOS Mobile App?
Stargazer Wallet: Restoring V1.3 Accounts
How do I use QR codes on the iOS Mobile App to send assets?
How do I use QR codes on the iOS Mobile App to receive assets?
How long does it take to transfer $DAG from Kucoin to the Stargazer wallet?
I already have a Stargazer Wallet - how do I set it up on the iOS Mobile App?
What are gas fees?
How do I delete my wallet?
How do I rename my wallet?
What is the Block Explorer?
How do I receive assets?
How do I send $ETH from my Stargazer Wallet?
How do I send $DAG from my Stargazer Wallet?
How do I refresh my balance?
How do I track asset activity?
How do I find my address?
What is a contact in the Stargazer Wallet?
How do I add a contact in the Stargazer Wallet?
What is a multi-chain wallet?
How do I import an existing wallet using a Private Key/JSON file?
How can I restore my Stargazer wallet?
Which web browsers does the Stargazer wallet work with?
I forgot my password
Where can I find my Seed Phrase?
What is a ‘Seed Phrase?’
I lost my Recovery Seed Phrase - what do I do?
How do I buy $DAG?
How do I buy $DAG on KuCoin?
How do I create a new Stargazer wallet?
How do I download the Stargazer wallet?