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Stargazer Wallet
How do I import an existing wallet using a Private Key/JSON file?
How do I import an existing wallet using a Private Key/JSON file?
Written by Duc Trung Luu
Updated over a week ago
  1. Log in to your Stargazer Wallet

  2. Click the 3 horizontal lines in the top right corner

  3. Select ‘Wallets’ from the menu

  4. Select the + in the top right corner

  5. Select ‘Import Wallet’

  6. Select the wallet for the type of coin you are planning to import, either $ETH or $DAG.

  7. Select the type of import you want to complete (JSON or Private Key)

  8. Paste the private key into the text field or upload the JSON file.

  9. Name your new account

  10. Select ‘Import’

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