CMAA hosts two major national gatherings each year, offering both up-to-date educational programs and unsurpassed opportunities to network and learn about upcoming projects and industry developments.
CMAA Focus
CMAA Focus in the spring explores markets, trends, and factors which contribute to success in delivering projects. Speakers focus on providing in-depth and useful information on key industry topics including financing, partnering, contracts, leadership, legal and regulatory issues, bonding, risk management, workforce issues, and current market research.
CMAA Annual Conference
CMAA's Annual Conference is CMAA's flagship event which includes a comprehensive exhibit hall, plenary and breakout sessions, and the annual Industry Recognition Awards where our annual Project Achievement Awards and Individual Honors are presented.
October 19 - 21, 2025 - CMAA2025 - Nashville, Tenn.
October 4 - 6, 2026 - CMAA2026 - Denver, Colo. (Aurora)
October 10 - 12, 2027 - CMAA2027 - Dallas/Ft. Worth, Texas
For more information, visit the Conferences page here.