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Integration of an IVW pixel and Google Analytics
Integration of an IVW pixel and Google Analytics
Maximilian Hoppe avatar
Written by Maximilian Hoppe
Updated over a week ago

The integration of an IVW pixel and Google Analytics are the most popular ways to count and track clicks in interactive formats. For the integration of other tracking pixels, please contact us via

Integration of an IVW pixel

To have the clicks in interactive formats counted by the IVW, simply send us your IVW pixel to We will integrate it for you. We will integrate it for you. Please note that we will insert the pixel once for all formats in your account. Formats that have already been integrated must be updated once (click the update button under "Live Integration").

What is counted?

Every single click in an interactive format is counted.

Integration of Google Analytics

To have your interactive formats tracked via Google Analytics, you can make use of a so-called event (info from Google: "Events are user interactions with content that can be recorded independently of the loading process of a web page or screen. Examples of actions you can capture as events are downloads, clicks on mobile ads, gadgets, Flash elements and embedded AJAX elements, and video playbacks.").

To do this, add the following extension directly below the code snippet of the campaign when integrating via JavaScript.

[Campaign code snippet]

$('body').on('contentbird-webapp-page-changed', function(event, data) {
window._gaq.push(['_trackEvent', '<Category>', '<Action>']);

You have to replace the <Category> and <Action> values with corresponding values yourself.

<Category>: It is best to use the same category for all interactive formats, e.g. "Interactive format". Or subdivide them into the individual formats: "Quiz", "Type-Check", "Find-the-Pair" etc.

Info from Google: "A category is a name under which you group and name objects that you want to capture. Typically, you use the same category name for multiple related user interface elements that you want to group under one category."

<Action>: Here you specify the concrete action that is indicated in the interactive format, e.g. "Lead generation" or "Click". Always choose meaningful names.

Info from Google on this (example video): "Typically, you use the action parameter to name the type of event or interaction you want to capture for a particular web element. In the category "Videos", for example, you could use this parameter to record the following events:

  • Time at which a video was completely loaded

  • Clicks on the play button

  • Clicks on the stop button

  • Clicks on the pause button".

If you embed your interactive format via IFrame, tracking via Google Analytics is unfortunately not possible. Please contact us at to clarify the details.

Technical documentation on event handling

Please read our detailed documentation "Event Handling" (PDF).

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