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Differences Between Contacts, Subscribers and Members
Differences Between Contacts, Subscribers and Members
Updated over a week ago

Watch the video below for an overview of the CCK contacts section and the differences between contacts, subscribers and members.

In the Contacts module or section, you have the ability to manually add a Contact. Your Contacts can be converted into Subscribers or Members or both.

You can also automatically add Contacts, Subscribers or Members to your website through forms or checkout pages.

Differences Between a Contact, Subscriber or Member

A Contact is someone who has not yet been added to your email list as an email subscriber or added to your membership as a student.

A Subscriber is a contact that has been added to your email list, but might not yet be a student or a member.

A Member is a contact that has been added to your course or membership, but might not yet be a subscriber.

Important: A Member can not be converted back to a Contact. If you want to remove the course access for a Member, you need to assign your Member to the Basic Member group (the Basic Member Group should also be your No Access Member Group, not linked to any courses or products). Alternatively, you can completely delete this member to remove them from your database.

Adding A Single Contact

Contacts can be added to your website manually (single or with a bulk upload) or automatically (through a form or checkout page).

Importing Contacts in Bulk

To manually import Contacts in bulk to your CCK website, download your contact template by selecting the More button and clicking Export. You will receive an email from the CCK system with your contact CSV file template.

Convert a Contact to a Subscriber

To manually convert a Contact to a Subscriber, open the Contact's profile and select the green Subscribe button at the top right.

Unsubscribe a Contact

A Contact can unsubscribe themselves from your email list by clicking the unsubscribe link at the bottom of your emails. Once they do this, they will automatically be unsubscribed from your email list.

Convert a Contact to a Member

To manually convert a Contact to a Member, open the Contact's profile and select the Action drop-down button at the top. Next, select Make Website Member on the drop-down menu.

Remove Member Access

To remove a Member from your courses or membership, you need to assign your member to your Basic Member Group and remove (untick) all other Member Groups.

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