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Privacy Policy Guidelines
Updated over a week ago

A Privacy Policy helps your website visitors and students understand how you handle and protect any personal information you have about them, such as their name, physical address, course progress, and quiz results.

A Privacy Policy shows your audience that they can trust you with their personal information, and is legally required in many countries.

CCK’s Privacy Policy explains how CCK handles the personal information it collects from its users, including creators, students, and other visitors. It does not cover your own use of personal information.

As the business owner of your online school or course, you are responsible for explaining to your users how you’re handling their personal information.

This includes explaining to your users the types of personal information you’re collecting about them, how you’re collecting that information, how you’re using that information, and how you’re sharing that information with others.

It’s also important to let your users know how they can contact you if they have any questions.

Note: Privacy laws are complex, quickly evolving, and vary from place to place. If you have any doubts about your obligations in this area, we encourage you to consult with a privacy professional. CCK’s customer support team will not be able to assist you with this topic. For this reason, we recommend that you use iUbenda to create your Privacy & Cookie Policy - click here to learn how to use iUbenda.

Legal Disclaimer

The information in this article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. We encourage you to use a reputable Terms and Privacy Policy online supplier such as iUbenda, or consult with a legal counsel in your country before publishing your Terms and Privacy Policy.

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