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Set Tax Rates Inside Your CCK Store
Set Tax Rates Inside Your CCK Store

Apply sales tax to products sold to customers from specific countries.

Updated over a week ago

You are able to set up tax rates for different countries inside your CCK store, enabling you to collect sales tax. When customers buy products from your store, they pay the tax rates you set.

You can collect taxes from your customers by setting:

  • Taxes according to specific countries.

  • One global tax rate.

Before you begin

  • The customer's shipping address determines tax for physical product purchases.

  • The customer's billing address determines tax for digital and service product purchases unless a physical product is additionally purchased during the same checkout process as the digital or service products.

  • The member's billing postal code associated with their payment method determines tax for member area memberships.

  • Tax rates don't apply to donations or gift card purchases.


  • It's not possible to set different tax rates based on the products purchased.

  • It's not possible to set different tax rates for cities and regions.

  • It's not possible to exempt specific customers from paying sales tax.

Add country specific tax rates

You can add tax rates for the countries where you ship products. To do this:

  1. Open the Taxes panel inside your CCK Store module.

  2. Click Add Country to add a tax rate for a specific country. You can also add a global tax rate.

  3. Select a country from the Country drop-down menu, or begin typing to search for one.

  4. Enter the tax name. This name appears at checkout, in order summaries, and in email notifications.

  5. Select the tax type - fixed amount or percentage.

  6. Enter the tax amount for the location.

  7. If you're required to charge tax on shipping, you can select Apply on shipping.

  8. You can exempt businesses from this tax by selecting this option.

  9. Click Confirm to publish your changes.

Tax inclusive pricing (optional)

With tax-inclusive pricing, customers pay the listed price of the product at checkout, instead of paying the listed price plus sales tax added extra. The portion of the total that goes toward sales tax depends on the customer's location and is calculated at checkout.

You can enable tax-inclusive pricing after setting up your manual tax rates:

  1. Open the Taxes panel inside your CCK Store module

  2. Under Tax Options, choose to Include all taxes in the product price

How taxes are calculated and shown in orders

After setting up your rates, the taxes are applied to orders displayed at checkout after a customer enters their address. The tax is based on the following:

  • The shipping address for physical product purchases

  • The billing address entered by the customer for digital and service products, unless a physical product is purchased at the same time

  • The billing postal code associated with a member's payment method for member area memberships

If a customer uses a discount code, tax is calculated based on the discounted price.

Disclaimer Note

This guide is available as a resource, but should not be construed or relied upon in any way as legal or accounting advice. Per our Terms of Service, CCK doesn't provide advice or recommendations regarding laws applicable to your site or business. If you have questions about collecting taxes, you can consult with a tax advisor.

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