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Enable Stripe Pre-Authorized Debit Integration
Enable Stripe Pre-Authorized Debit Integration

Process Pre-Authorized Debit Payments

Scott Doyley avatar
Written by Scott Doyley
Updated over a month ago

Currently in Closed Beta: This feature will be available soon!


  • Feature Summary: Enable Pre-Authorized Debit payment processing.

  • Use Cases: System users can increase customer convenience by expanding the number of available payment options to include Pre-Authorized Debit (PAD). This workflow assumes the club uses Stripe as the payment processor.

  • Stripe Pre-Authorized Debit is available to customers in Canada


Pre-Authorized Debit (PAD) lets you accept payments directly from customers with a Canadian bank account. PAD is a reusable, delayed notification payment method. It can take up to 3-5 business days to receive confirmation of success or failure.

Because PAD isn't a guaranteed payment method, there's a risk of failed payments and chargebacks. Notifications will be sent to Admins in the days following the transaction if the payment fails.


  • Pre-Authorized Debit 1% plus C$0.40 (C$5 cap)

This is calculated each month and assessed on the monthly invoice. Go to the side menu and click the SUBSCRIPTION tab.


The club must have a Stripe merchant account. Make sure the merchant account is set up to accept Pre-Authorized Debits. Pre-Authorized Debit is only available in Canada.


  1. Log in to the CourtReserve admin account.


  3. Click the Integrated Payments icon.

Scroll down to the Allow Players to Create Pre-Authorized Debit Payment Profiles heading and check the box. If checked, members can create Pre-Authorized Debit payment profiles in their member portal account and pay with them. It also allows Admins to create Pre-Authorized Debit payment profiles for members.

When the above setting is enabled, CourtReserve displays a hidden option: Prevent Players from Saving a Credit Card Profile. If checked, this box stops members from saving their credit card as a payment profile.

Important Note: Stripe Account holders must enable the acceptance of Pre-Authorized Debit payments inside their Stripe Dashboard to allow members to create payment profiles in CourtReserve. If this is not enabled in your Stripe Dashboard, users will see an error message in the member portal when trying to add their payment profile.

Stripe Error Message in Member Portal- this account must enable acceptance of Pre-Authorized Debit payments in their Stripe Dashboard.


Stripe requires account validation, which involves checking whether a bank account and routing number exist and can be debited. Bank account verification takes an additional step and checks for whether the person providing the bank account is actually the owner of the bank account. There are two methods offered on Stripe that satisfy bank account validation requirements.

  • Admin: Micro-deposit verification
    Routing and account information is entered manually by an Admin, and customers wait 1-2 days for a deposit and manually verify they’ve received the deposit. There is no fee for micro-deposit verification.

  • Member Portal: Instant verification (recommended)
    Customers enter their online banking credentials through a secure Stripe-hosted modal to instantly verify the account. This method minimizes fraud, checkout friction, and delays in debit processing.

Admin: Creating Pre-Authorized Debit payment profiles

Create the Payment Profile in the player's profile

  1. Open a player profile page.

  2. Select Billing > Payment Profiles.

  3. Click the green Create Payment Profile button. A new window displays.

  4. Click the Account Type field and select Pre-Authorized Debit.

  5. Fill in the other form fields.

  6. Click Save Changes


Stripe requires Pre-Authorized Debit verification when a Pre-Authorized Debit payment profile is added to a member's account from the Admin side. To verify accounts, two small deposits will be sent to the account, appearing in 1-2 business days and removed after verification or timeout (10 days). There are two ways an account can be verified once the micro-deposits are visible: Admin Side and Member Portal.


The member can provide the micro-deposit amounts to the admin for verification. After receiving the micro deposit amounts from the member, use the steps below to verify the Pre-Authorized Debit information to begin using the Payment Profile account.

  1. After Pre-Authorized Debit information is entered a Verify button will appear on the Payment Profile table

  2. Click the Verify button

  3. Enter the micro deposit amounts in the provided boxes

  4. Save


After the member sees the micro-deposit amounts in their account, they also have the option to verify these amounts in the Payment Profiles section of their member portal account.

  1. Click the account name in the top right corner of the main page.

  2. Click Payment Profiles in the drop-down menu.

  3. The Payment Profile in need of verification is displayed. Locate the Verify button on the profile.

  4. Enter the micro-deposit amounts in the available boxes.

  5. Save


If micro-deposit verification amounts are not entered after 10 days, the amounts deposited will timeout and be reverted from the account. The admin should delete the payment profile information and restart the micro-deposit process.

Member Portal: Creating Pre-Authorized Debit payment profiles (Recommended)

On the member portal, players can add a Pre-Authorized Debit option on the Payment Profiles page and Stripe will provide steps to instantly verify their account information.

  1. Click the account name in the top right corner of the main page.

  2. Click Payment Profiles in the drop-down menu.

  3. Click the CREATE PAYMENT PROFILE button.

  4. On the Create Payment Profile page, click the Pre-authorized Debit field.

  5. Fill in the other form fields

  6. Search for your Bank or select from popular banks

  7. A Stripe secure window will appear for the member to agree & login to their bank with their bank credentials

  8. Select which Account to connect.

  9. The user will be directed back to CourtReserve to complete the Payment Profile linking.

  10. Click Save to complete the payment profile

Stripe Verification windows


When viewing payments throughout CourtReserve, payments will display as Payment Type "Pre-Authorized Debit".


Members who create Pre-Authorized Debit Payment Profiles will receive email notifications from CourtReserve in two instances:

1. Admin Creates a Pre-Authorized Payment Profile and Micro-Deposit Verification is Required:

  • The member will receive an email notification informing them that the Admin has requested verification of their Pre-Authorized Debit payment profile.

  • The email will include instructions on how to verify the micro-deposits sent to their account.

2. Pre-Authorized Payment Profile Successfully Linked to a Member's Account:
Once the Pre-Authorized payment profile is successfully linked to the member's account, the member will receive a confirmation email from CourtReserve.

  • This email will confirm that the account has been successfully linked, whether through micro-deposit verification or instant verification.

  • Additionally, depending on your organization's Stripe notification settings, the member may also receive a similar confirmation email from Stripe.

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